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Shlomo haPaytan

Shlomo "Ḥazaq Amats" (שלמה חזק אמץ, Solomon "for strength and courage") was a paytan and author of a beloved piyyut for Sukkot, "El Ram Ḥasin Yah" (G!D on High, Mighty Yah) on which he added his signature as an acrostic. Unfortunately, little else is known of him. As the piyyut was popular in Afghanistan and is thematically concerned with the archetpal Ushpizin of kabbalistic lore and mystical sukkot custom, we may cautiously assume that Shlomo was a paytan in Afghanistan in the 17th or 18th century, after which the piyyut spread to other communities.

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אל רם חסין יה | El Ram Ḥasin Yah, a piyyut for Sukkot by Shlomo haPaytan (egal adaptation by Noam Sienna, 2012)

Contributed by Noam Sienna | Shlomo haPaytan |

This is one of my favourite Sukkot piyyutim, not least because of the wonderful and easily singable call-and-response melody! The seven verses each highlight one of the seven traditional ushpizin [mythic guests], and a few years ago I wrote an additional seven verses for the seven female ushpizata according to the order of Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid.org). . . .