🆕 Bricks Without Straw, a prayer-poem by Trisha Arlin
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❧“Bricks Without Straw” is a prayer-poem written by Trisha Arlin, first shared in the Passover anthology, From the Depths: Pesach 5785/2025 (Bayit: Building Jewish) on 17 March 2025. . . .
Find the Lily, a prayer-poem by Trisha Arlin
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❧“Find the Lily” is a prayer-poem written in first person by Trisha Arlin. It was first shared via their website, Trisha Arlin: Words of Prayer and Intention, on 6 November 2024. . . .
A Prayer for Librarians, by Trisha Arlin
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❧“A Prayer for Librarians” by Trisha Arlin was first shared via their website, Trisha Arlin: Words of Prayer and Intention, on 7 December 2024. . . .
Tilt: A Prayer for the Winter Solstice, by Trisha Arlin
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❧“Tilt: A Prayer for the Winter Solstice” was first published by the author on her website (17 December 2015). . . .
Meat and Feathers: We Confess, a vidui for Rosh haShanah la-Behemah (the Jewish New Year’s Day for Animals), by Trisha Arlin
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❧Trisha Arlin first published this prayer for a communal confession on Rosh Hashanah LaBehemot on her liturgy site, here. Elements of this vidui (confession) are derived from the Kavvanah before Blowing the Shofar on Rosh Ḥodesh Elul for Rosh Hashanah LaBehemot (New Year’s Day for Domesticated Animals). . . .
A Blessing for the Bugs on the Jewish New Year’s Day for Animals, Rosh Hashana La-Behemah, by Trisha Arlin
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❧I have come to see That we are not the only creatures who are B’tzelem Elohim, We are all in God’s image. So today, on Rosh Ḥodesh Elul, On the New Year of the Domesticated Beasts, Let’s give thanks to the bugs Like the four questioning children Wise and snarky and simple and oblivious, Like the four worlds of the kabbala The earth, the sky, the heart and the spirit We give thanks and acknowledge The bugs we have domesticated The bugs who serve us in their wild state The bugs that hurt us or gross us out And the bugs who live only for themselves, without any reference to us. . . .
Each Loss Breaks a Pattern, a prayer for a shiva by Trisha Arlin
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❧This prayer was written to introduce the service at a shiva minyan. . . .
A Prayer for Compassion During Violent Conflict, by Trisha Arlin (2014)
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❧A prayer for empathy and compassion in the face of calls for violence and vengeance. . . .
If I Let It: A Kavvanah for Kabbalat Shabbat, by Trisha Arlin
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❧Shabbat happens, If I let it. . . .
Rosh Ḥodesh Shevat, a prayer-poem by Trisha Arlin
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❧This is the month when we tell the story Of the escape from the narrow place. This is the month of Shabbat Shirah, When we sing the song of liberation. We give thanks for freedom. This is the month when we talk of wine and nuts and fruit, The New Year of the Trees. This is the month of Tu Bishvat When we eat the gifts of our planet. We give thanks to the earth. . . .
Two Cups: Elijah and Miriam, a kavvanah and a prayer by Trisha Arlin
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❧We lift Miriam’s cup, Dancing prophet celebrating the world that is now. And we tell God we are grateful For the water from the earth that was Miriam’s gift, Welcome necessity, On God’s behalf. Miriam announces joy! And teaches us to save ourselves. Miriam, the bringer of mercy, There’s no prayer for her in the haggadah— So make one up! . . .
Heal Me, a prayer-poem by Trisha Arlin
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❧A prayer-poem for healing by Trisha Arlin. . . .
A Rosh haShanah Amidah, by Trisha Arlin
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❧A paraliturgical Amidah (standing mediation) for Rosh haShanah. . . .
Motzi, a kavvanah before eating ḥallah by Trisha Arlin
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❧Trisha Arlin shares “Motzi”, a kavanah (intention) for the blessing, Hamotzi Lehem Min Ha’aretz, over challah. Describing the kavanah she writes that it’s, “based on Rabbi Ellen Lippmann’s tradition on having us create a chain of touch around room that leads to and from the challah, which she then explains as both exemplifying the connection created when people eat together and the chain of work that went to creating the challah itself.” . . .
Havdalah: Three Meditations on Holy Separations, by Trisha Arlin
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❧Three short havdallah meditations that culminate in a havdallah prayer/blessing. . . .