Yahnatan Lasko (translation)
Yahnatan Lasko is a software developer and engineer with a masters degree in computer science from Johns Hopkins University. Jewish, he is also a second-generation adherent of Messianic Judaism, a movement of Judaizing Christians and Jesus-believing Jews originating out of the Hebrew Christian Movement and the Jesus Movement. Yahnatan identifies as a Messianic Jew and the stream of Messianic Judaism to which he belongs is non-missionary (does not engage in missionary activities), rejects Christian supercessionist beliefs, and looks toward the halakhah of rabbinic Judaism for guidance in ritual and daily living. He is an alumn of Ets Chaiyim day school (Gaithersburg, Maryland) and completed his ordination in Messianic rabbinic and pastoral leadership at the Messianic Jewish Theological Institute. His interests include Jewish/Christian relations, interpreting the New Testament as Jewish texts, disability in halakhah, and theory and practice of Ashkenazi musical nusaḥ.
hair | hair-cutting | Jewish Women's Prayers | Needing citation references | תחינות teḥinot | 20th century C.E. | 58th century A.M.
תְּפִלָה לְאִשָׁה לְאָמְרָהּ לִפְנֵי שֶׁמְגַלַּחַת אֶת שַׁעֲרוֹת רֹאשָׁהּ | Prayer for a woman to say before her hair is shorn
Contributed by Yahnatan Lasko (translation) | Unknown Author(s) | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) | ❧
A supplication of a woman cutting her hair as an act of tsanua, per a contemporary custom in many Ḥaredi communities. . . .