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Maḥzorim for Sukkot & Shemini Atseret

Maḥzorim for Sukkot & Shemini Atseret

This is an archive of digital scans of maḥzorim (festival prayer books) for Sukkot (and other pilgrimage festivals/regalim) that have entered the Public Domain, and of maḥzorim under copyright that have been contributed with Open Content licenses by their creators.

Click here to contribute a prayerbook you have compiled from work shared with Open Content licenses and/or from work in the Public Domain. If you would like recommendations on how to scan/image a work in the Public Domain, to make its contents available for digital transcription, go here.

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📖 סדר תפלות ישראל (אשכנז)‏ | Seder Tefilot Yisrael: Sabbath and Festival Prayer Book, compiled by the Rabbinical Assembly & United Synagogue of America (1946)