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This is an archive of prayers composed for the Yahrzeit of Yitsḥaq Rabin, the fifth prime minister of Israel, whose assassination took place at 21:30 on 4 November 1995 (12 Marḥeshvan 5756) at the end of a rally in support of the Oslo Accords at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv. The assassin, a Jewish Israeli ultranationalist, radically opposed Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s peace initiative, particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords.

Click here to contribute a work you have prepared, transcribed, or translated for 12 Marḥeshvan.

For prayers composed for Tsom Gedalyahu, go here.

For public readings prepared for Tsom Gedalyahu, visit here.

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Prayer for all Jewish Communities in Germany for the Eve of the Day of Atonement, by Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck (10 October 1935)

Ḳinah (lamentation) for Yitsḥaq Rabin, by Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Cohen (2004)

תַּֽמּוּ חֲלוֹמוֹתֵֽינוּ | Tamu Ḥalomotenu, a seliḥah for Yitsḥaq Rabin by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer