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🇺🇸 Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday of November)

🇺🇸 Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday of November)

This is an archive of prayers, prayer-poems, and songs for Thanksgiving Day in the United States, a civic festival observed on the fourth Thursday of November.

Click here to contribute a prayer you have written, transcribed, or translated for Thanksgiving Day.

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acquisition | על הנסים al hanissim | עם ישראל Am Yisrael | Slaveholders' Rebellion (1861-1865) | American Jewry of the United States | American War of Independence | anti-war | assassination | Assassination of James A. Garfield | Bedouin of Israel | בני אדם bnei adam | Chester A. Arthur | civic prayers | civil rights | Colonialism | colonization | conquest | Donald Trump | eco-conscious | ecoḥasid | ecumenical prayers | English vernacular prayer | First Nations | George Washington | Gratitude | הנותן תשועה haNotén Teshuah | חתימות ḥatimot (concluding prayers) | hegemony | hymns of creation | immigration | indigenous land acknowledgement | Indigenous Peoples | Ḳ.Ḳ. Shearith Israel | Landing Day | מדינת ישראל Medinat Yisrael | memory | מודים Modim | Nature | Needing citation references | Needing Translation (into Hebrew) | נודה לך Nodeh L'kha | Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Settlement | North American Jewry | Nusaḥ Sefaradi | Patriotic hymns | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | petiḥah | Openers | Philadelphia | post-colonial | Prayers as poems | prayers of the shaliaḥ tsibbur | primordial scream | Problematic prayers | Ḳ.Ḳ. Miḳveh Israel (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) | refugees | Regional Planning | rhyming translation | sanctuary | Secular/National mythologies | settlement | shekhina | shomrah ul'ovdah | Spanish-Portuguese | State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations | statues of liberty | stewardship | subjugation | thankfulness | thanksgiving | thanksgivukkah | the Negev | United States | welcome the stranger | World War Ⅰ | Yiddish translation | Yiddish vernacular prayer | יזכור yizkor | United States home front during World War Ⅰ | Panic of 1873 | Cold War (1947–1953) | 18th century C.E. | 19th century C.E. | 20th century C.E. | 21st century C.E. | 56th century A.M. | 57th century A.M. | 58th century A.M.
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דער נײער קאָלאסוס | The New Collosus, a paean to the Shekhinah/”Mother of Exiles” by Emma Lazarus (1883, Yiddish translation by Rachel Kirsch Holtman 1938)

מײן אַמעריקא (אונזער נײע הימנע) | My America (Our New Hymn) by Morris Rosenfeld (1917)