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🇺🇦 Ukraine

🇺🇦 Ukraine

This is an archive of civic prayers offered for the welfare of the sovereign state of Україна (Ukraine). The majority of the prayers collected here were offered after the 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

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אַ בְּרָכָה פֿאַרן קײסער | A Blessing for the Kaiser, from Fiddler on the Roof by Joseph Stein – Yiddish translation by Shraga Friedman (1965)

A Prayer for Ukraine, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2022)

תפילה לאוקראינה | Молитва за Україну | Prayer for Ukraine, by Rabbi Miriam Klimova (2022)

Prayer for the People of Ukraine, by Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the UK & the Commonwealth, 2022)

A Prayer for Peace in Ukraine and Beyond, by Rabbi Dr. Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi (2022)

A Prayer for Democracies Everywhere with the Welfare of Ukraine Foremost in Mind, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org, 2022)

לזכרם של ההרוגים במלחמה באדמות אוקראינה | Молитва в пам’ять про загиблих у війні на землях України | Yizkor for those killed in the war in Ukraine, by Rabbi Miriam Klimova (2022)

Prayer for Ukraine, by Rabbi Dr. Reuven Kimelman (2022)

תפילה לשלום העם האוקראינה | Prayer for the Welfare of Ukraine and the Ukrainian People (Masorti Movement in Israel 2022)

A Prayer for Ukraine, by the Sinai Temple Clergy (24 February 2022)

Prayer for Ukraine (Gebet für Ukraine), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami