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בִּרְכַּת נְטִילַת יָדָֽיִם | Blessing on preparing one’s hands for wakefulness and other holy activities (translation by Aharon Varady)

דיא ערשטע טבילה | Die erste Twile | The First Bath of Ablution, a prayer-poem by Morris Rosenfeld (before 1898)

תחנה אײדער אפרויא גײט אין טבילת מצוה | Tkhine for when a Woman Goes to Immerse in the Mikve (1910)

[Prayer] for purity, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)

Against Impurity, a prayer by Rev. Walter Rauschenbusch adapted by Rabbi Morris Lazaron (1918)

עַל נְטִילַת יָדָֽיִם | Blessing on Washing the Hands, a rhyming translation and explanation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)

Mikveh Meditation for Erev Shabbat by Rabbi Haviva Ner-David and Shira Gura

Kavvanot when Washing One’s Body Before Shabbes, by Eyal Raviv

Mikveh Kavvanah for Affirming Jewish identity, by Rabbi Jonah Rank