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📖 סידור תורה אור (נוסח האר״י)‏ | Siddur Torah Or, the nusaḥ of the school of Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria as arranged by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Lyadi

An die Freude | שִׁיר לְשִׂמְחָה | ode to Joy (Shir l’Simḥah), a Hebrew adaptation of the hymn by Friedrich Schiller (ca. late 18th c.)

יָהּ אֶכְסוֹף נוֹעַם שַׁבָּת | Yah Ekhsof No’am Shabbat, a Shabbes hymn by Reb Aharon of Karlin (interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)

יָהּ אֶכְסוֹף נוֹעַם שַׁבָּת | Yah Ekhsof No’am Shabbat, a zemer for Shabbat by Reb Aharon of Karlin (trans. by Rabbi Morrison David Bial)

📖 סדור התפלות (מנהג הספרדים)‏ | Seder haTefilot: The Order of the Daily Prayers in Hebrew and English According to the Custom of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews, compiled and translated by David Levi (2nd ed. 1810)

אֵל שְׁמֹר הַמֶּֽלֶךְ | God Save the King (Hebrew translation with an additional stanza by Hyman Hurwitz 1831)

🆕 עַל־הַנִּסִּים בְּ-כ״ח שְׁבָט | Al ha-Nissim for 28 Shəvat, for the fortunate rescue of a wanderer in the area of the synagogue in Avignon (1766)