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📖 Prayers for Jewish Working Girls, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

אַמעריקע די פּרעכטיקע | America the Beautiful, a patriotic hymn by Katharine Lee Bates (1895) with Yiddish translation by Berl Lapin (1950)

Prayer for the Congregation and the Government, by the Central Conference of American Rabbis (1895)

Prayer for those who are unavoidably prevented from keeping the Sabbath, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

[Prayer] for the Persecuted, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Birthday Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

[Prayer] on Leaving School and Beginning Apprenticeship, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

[Prayer] on Ending Apprenticeship and Beginning Paid Work, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

A Prayer for Girls entering Domestic Service, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

[Prayer] in Sickness, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

[Prayer] on Recovering from Sickness, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Prayer for a Dear Relation or Friend Who is Ill, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Prayer on Losing Some One Near and Dear, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Prayer when in Trouble, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

[Prayer] on Becoming Engaged, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Meditation on Work, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Prayer of Thanksgiving, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Morning Prayer [before Work], by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Night Prayer [after Work], by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

A Prayer for the Sabbath Eve, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Meditation on the Sabbath, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Sabbath prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Sunday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Monday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Tuesday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Wednesday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Thursday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Friday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

📖 עלת תמיד (רפורמי) | Dr. David Einhorn’s Olath Tamid: Book of Prayers for Jewish Congregations, translated and adapted by Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch (1896)

Invocation by Rabbi Samuel Sale at the Republican National Convention (16 June 1896)

📖 Union Hymnal (CCAR 1897)

📖 סידור קרבן מנחה (נוסח האר״י)‏ | Siddur Ḳorban Minḥah (1897)

Morning Song, a hymn by Felix Adler (1897)

📖 Mirjam, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)

A nő imája férjéért | A woman’s prayer for her husband, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)

Országos bánat, közös baj idején | Prayer in a time of national crisis, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)

Reggeli ima | Gebet am Morgen | Morning Prayer, a paraliturgical Elohai Neshamah by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)

Gyermekek üdvéért | Gebet für das Heil des Kindes | Prayer for the well-being of children, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)

Bajban | Prayer in a personal crisis, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)

Étkezés utáni ima | Gebet nach dem Speisen | Prayer after the meal, a paraliturgical Birkat haMazon by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)

Hálaima a bajból való menekülésért | Thanksgiving for deliverance from trouble, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)

דיא חנוכה ליכט | Ḥanukkah⸗Lichter | Ḥanukkah Lights, a poem by Morris Rosenfeld (1897)

פעלד־מעסטען | Feldmesten | Measuring of the Graves, a prayer-poem by Morris Rosenfeld (before 1898)

קידוש לבנה | Kidesch⸗Lewone | The Moon-Prayer, a prayer-poem by Morris Rosenfeld (before 1898)

דיא ערשטע טבילה | Die erste Twile | The First Bath of Ablution, a prayer-poem by Morris Rosenfeld (before 1898)

📖 בזמרות נריע לו | Die häuslichen Sabbathgesänge für Freitag⸗Abend, Sabbath⸗Tag und Sabbath⸗Ausgang, by Dr. Leo Jehudah Hirschfeld (1898)

תפלה לבני ישראל בעד הצלחת יושבי ארצנו בּמלחמתם עם השׂפּנים | Prayer for the success of the United States in its war with Spain, by Rabbi Joshua Seigel (1898)

Offerings, by Alice Lucas (1898)

Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Gustav Hausmann on 28 February 1899

Prayer on the 100th Anniversary of the Death of George Washington, by Rabbi Edward N. Calisch (1899)