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19th century C.E. —⟶ tag: 19th century C.E. Sorted Chronologically (old to new). Sort most recent first? Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895) is a collection of prayers in vernacular English by Lilian Helen Montagu (1873-1963). The prayerbook was dedicated to the members of the West Central Girls’ Club, founded in 1893 by Lilian and co-led by her and her sister Marian Montagu. . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers אַמעריקע די פּרעכטיקע | America the Beautiful, a patriotic hymn by Katharine Lee Bates (1895) with Yiddish translation by Berl Lapin (1950)“America the Beautiful,” the patriotic hymn (1911 version) by Katharine Lee Bates (1859-1929) in its Yiddish translation by Berl Lapin (1889-1952). . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 Independence Day (July 4th) A prayer for the government composed by the Central Conference of American Rabbis and included in their Union Prayer Book. . . . Categories: Congregation & Community, Government & Country, After the Aliyot, 🇺🇸 United States of America Prayer for those who are unavoidably prevented from keeping the Sabbath, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)“Prayer for those who are unavoidably prevented from keeping the Sabbath” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 20-21. . . . “[Prayer] for the Persecuted” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 31-32. . . . Categories: Social Justice, Peace, and Liberty “Birthday Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 29-30. . . . Categories: Bnei (Bar/Bat) Mitsvah & Other Birthday Prayers “On Leaving School and Beginning Apprenticeship” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 21-22. . . . “On Ending Apprenticeship and Beginning Paid Work” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 22-23. . . . Categories: Labor, Fulfillment, and Parnasah “A Prayer for Girls entering Domestic Service” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), page 24. . . . Categories: Labor, Fulfillment, and Parnasah “In Sickness” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), page 25. . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving “On Recovering from Sickness” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), page 26. . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving “Prayer for a Dear Relation or Friend Who is Ill” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 26-27. . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving “Prayer for a Dear Relation or Friend Who is Ill” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 26-27. . . . Categories: Mourning “Prayer when in Trouble” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 28-29. . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving “On Becoming Engaged” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 30-31. . . . Categories: Engagements & Weddings “Meditation on Work” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 5-6. . . . Categories: Labor, Fulfillment, and Parnasah “Prayer of Thanksgiving” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 6-7. This prayer reads to me as possibly intended to be used as a prayer of transition, before the tradition of the bat mitsvah was universally adopted, at a time when a young woman might be old enough to begin contemplating their future, their marriage prospects, and their general “usefulness” — especially in regards to their future work — the overarching theme of this collection of prayers. This affirmation in particular stands out to me as radically important for Lilian Montagu and other young suffragettes to express in 1895: “Lord, whether in the future I marry or whether I remain single, I shall be able to lead a useful, happy life” and “Lord, I thank Thee for my womanhood!” . . . Categories: Bnei (Bar/Bat) Mitsvah & Other Birthday Prayers “Morning Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 7-8. . . . “Night Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 9-10. . . . “A Prayer for the Sabbath Eve” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), page 17. . . . Categories: Ḳabbalat Shabbat “Meditation on the Sabbath” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 18-19. . . . Categories: Erev Shabbat “Sabbath Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 19-20. . . . Categories: Saturday “Sunday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 10-11. . . . Categories: Sunday “Monday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 10-11. . . . Categories: Monday “Tuesday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 12-13. . . . Categories: Tuesday “Wednesday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 13-14. . . . Categories: Wednesday “Thursday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 14-15. . . . Categories: Thursday “Friday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 15-16. . . . Categories: Friday 📖 עלת תמיד (רפורמי) | Dr. David Einhorn’s Olath Tamid: Book of Prayers for Jewish Congregations, translated and adapted by Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch (1896)This is Rabbi Emil Hirsch’s 1896 translation and adaption of Rabbi David Einhorn’s original German volumes of עלת תמיד Olath Tamid. (This edition followed after the first English translation that was published in 1872.) Besides his adapted translation, Hirsch also introduced a number of other changes which he summarized in his preface. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim The invocation offered at the opening of the Republican National Convention in St. Louis in 1896. . . . The first edition of the Union Hymnal by the Central Conference of American Rabbis. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry Siddur Qorban Minḥah, a Jewish prayerbook collecting the customs of the school of the ARI z”l, accompanied by tkhines and translations in Yiddish. . . . “Morning Song [splendor of the morning sunlight]” is a hymn by Felix Adler, published in The Sabbath School Hymnal, a collection of songs, services and responses for Jewish Sabbath schools, and homes (4th rev. ed., 1897), hymn no. 23. . . . Categories: Learning, Study, and School A collection of prayers in Magyar for Jewish women composed by the rabbi of Veszprém, later, the chief rabbi of Buda. . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers This prayer by Rabbi Arnold Kiss for the well-being of a husband by their wife, “A nő imája férjéért,” was first published in his anthology of prayers for Jewish women, Mirjam (1897) on p.246-248. It doesn’t appear to me to have been translated in the subsequent German edition (1907). I’ve set my English translation side-by-side with the Magyar. –Aharon Varady . . . Categories: Marriage This prayer by Rabbi Arnold Kiss for the kingdom of Hungary in a time of national crisis, “Országos bánat, közös baj idején,” was first published in his anthology of prayers for Jewish women, Mirjam (1897) on p.289-291. . . . Reggeli ima | Gebet am Morgen | Morning Prayer, a paraliturgical Elohai Neshamah by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)This prayer by Rabbi Arnold Kiss for the well-being of a husband by their wife, “A nő imája férjéért,” was first published in his anthology of prayers for Jewish women, Mirjam (1897) on p.246-248. It doesn’t appear to me to have been translated in the subsequent German edition (1907). I’ve set my English translation side-by-side with the Magyar. –Aharon Varady . . . Categories: Elohai Neshamah Gyermekek üdvéért | Gebet für das Heil des Kindes | Prayer for the well-being of children, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)This prayer for the well-being of children by Rabbi Arnold Kiss, “Gyermekek üdvéért” (Magyar, 1897) and “Gebet für das Heil des Kindes” (German, 1907), was first published in his anthology of prayers for Jewish women, Mirjam on p.291-293 of the original Magyar edition and p. 546-549 of the subsequent German edition. I’ve set separate English translations side-by-side with the Magyar and German in order to highlight the subtle differences between the two. As I am not a native speaker of German or Magyar, please correct and improve upon my effort. –Aharon Varady . . . Categories: Child care This prayer by Rabbi Arnold Kiss for when one is confronted by grave difficulties, “Bajban,” was first published in his anthology of prayers for Jewish women, Mirjam (1897) on p.285-286 . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving Étkezés utáni ima | Gebet nach dem Speisen | Prayer after the meal, a paraliturgical Birkat haMazon by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)This paraliturgical Birkat haMazon by Rabbi Arnold Kiss, “Étkezés utáni ima” (Magyar, 1897) and “Gebet nach dem Speisen” (German, 1907), was first published in his anthology of prayers for Jewish women, Mirjam on p.200-202 of the original Magyar edition and p.354-357 of the subsequent German edition. I’ve set separate English translations side-by-side with the Magyar and German in order to highlight the subtle differences between the two. –Aharon Varady . . . Categories: Blessings After Eating Hálaima a bajból való menekülésért | Thanksgiving for deliverance from trouble, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)This prayer of thanksgiving by Rabbi Arnold Kiss for deliverance from danger, “Hálaima a bajból való menekülésért,” was first published in his anthology of prayers for Jewish women, Mirjam (1897) on p.286-288. . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving “דיא חנוכה ליכט” by Morris Rosenfeld (1862-1923) p.132-134. It was translated from the Yiddish into English by Rose Pastor Stokes & Helena Frank and published under the title, “The Feast of Lights” in Songs of Labor and Other Poems (1914), p. 65-66. Another translation, by Helena Frank alone was published in Apples & Honey (ed. Nina Salaman 1921), p. 242-244. The German translation by Berthold Feiwel was published in Lieder des Ghetto (1902), p. 81-83, and illustrated by Efraim Moses Lilian. . . . Categories: Ḥanukkah This is the poem “פעלד־מעסטען” by Morris Rosenfeld (1862-1923) written before 1898. We have transcribed the poem as it was published in Rosenfeld’s collection of poems Gezamelṭe lieder (1906) pp. 135-136. The poem was romanized and translated into English by Leo Wiener and published under the title, “The Measuring of the Graves” in Songs from the Ghetto (1898), pp. 46-49. A rhyming translation by Rose Pastor Stokes & Helena Frank under the title, “Measuring of the Graves” was published in Songs of Labor and Other Poems (1914), pp. 70-71. If you know the date of the earliest publication of this prayer, please leave a comment or contact us. . . . Categories: Yom Kippur This is the poem “קידוש לבנה” by Morris Rosenfeld (1862-1923) written sometime before 1898. We have transcribed the poem as it was published in Rosenfeld’s collection of poems Gezamelṭe lieder (1906) pp. 141-143. The poem was romanized and translated into English by Leo Wiener and published under the title, “Kidesch⸗Lewone (The Moon-Prayer)” in Songs from the Ghetto (1898), pp. 48-53. . . . Categories: Ḳiddush Levanah דיא ערשטע טבילה | Die erste Twile | The First Bath of Ablution, a prayer-poem by Morris Rosenfeld (before 1898)This is the poem “דיא זרשטע טבילה” by Morris Rosenfeld (1862-1923) written sometime before 1898. We have transcribed the poem as it was published in Rosenfeld’s collection of poems Gezamelṭe lieder (1906) pp. 167-168. The poem was romanized and translated into English by Leo Wiener and published under the title, “Die erste Twile (The First Bath of Ablution)” in Songs from the Ghetto (1898), pp. 52-55. A rhyming translation by Rose Pastor Stokes & Helena Frank under the title, “The First Bath of Ablution” was published in Songs of Labor and Other Poems (1914), pp. 72-73. . . . 📖 בזמרות נריע לו | Die häuslichen Sabbathgesänge für Freitag⸗Abend, Sabbath⸗Tag und Sabbath⸗Ausgang, by Dr. Leo Jehudah Hirschfeld (1898)Birkonim (bentschers) with table songs sung on the Sabbath with accompanying translations are now commonplace, but they not always were. The first major collection with accompanying translations was Dr. Leo Hirschfeld’s בזמרות נריע לו Die häuslichen Sabbathgesänge für Freitag⸗Abend, Sabbath⸗Tag und Sabbath⸗Ausgang (1898), an anthology of Sabbath table songs organized according to their traditional feast (Sabbath night, day, and Sabbath afternoon) in the Ashkenazi tradition. . . . Contributor(s): Leo Jehudah Hirschfeld and Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) תפלה לבני ישראל בעד הצלחת יושבי ארצנו בּמלחמתם עם השׂפּנים | Prayer for the success of the United States in its war with Spain, by Rabbi Joshua Seigel (1898)A Prayer for American Victory in the Spanish-American War by Rabbi Joshua Seigel (1846-1910), New York: Eliakum Zunser, [1898]. . . . A meditation on prayer and earnest offering. . . . Categories: Weekday Amidah Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Gustav Hausmann on 28 February 1899The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 28 February 1899. . . . Prayer on the 100th Anniversary of the Death of George Washington, by Rabbi Edward N. Calisch (1899)This “Washington Anniversary Prayer” was offered by Rabbi Edward Nathan Calisch during the Masonic ceremonies at Mt. Vernon, 18 December 1899, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of George Washington’s death. Rabbi Calisch published it in his autobiography, Three Score and Twenty (1945), pp. 47-48. . . . | ||
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