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56th century A.M. —⟶ tag: 56th century A.M. Sorted Chronologically (old to new). Sort most recent first? יָהּ אֶכְסוֹף נוֹעַם שַׁבָּת | Yah Ekhsof No’am Shabbat, a zemer for Shabbat by Reb Aharon of Karlin (trans. by Rabbi Morrison David Bial)The shabbos table song “Yah Ekhsof No’am Shabbat” by Rabbi Aharon of Karlin, translated by Rabbi Morrison David Bial was first published in his anthology, An Offering of Prayer (1962), p. 29-30, from where this translation was transcribed. . . . Categories: Se'udat Leil Shabbat Contributor(s): Morrison David Bial, Aharon ben Yaakov Perlov of Karlin and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) תְּפִלַּת מַשְׁבִּית מִלְחָמוֹת וְהַדֶּבֶר מִן הַבְּהֵמוֹת | Prayer for the cessation of war and pestilence afflicting domesticated animals (ca. 1800)This is a prayer for the welfare of domesticated animals (behemot), specifically cattle. “Tefilat mashbit milḥamot v’ha-dever min ha-behemot” (HUC MS 465) was composed by an unknown author, sometime in the late 18th or early 19th century, and possibly in a Jewish community in Italy. The text contains the following clues: 1) a prayer for a local Duke (instead of the Emperor Napoleon), 2) mention of warfare, and 3) mention of some variety of epizootic contagious disease among cattle. Rinderpest, known since ancient times, is the most likely candidate for the latter, especially in Italy in the 18th century (where it was first described by early veterinary science) but it was also in Europe following the defeat of Napoleon. While typhus and hoof-and-mouth disease are also possible, Dr. Susan Einbinder, who brought our attention to this prayer via a lecture on epidemic prayers for the HUC Klau Library, notes that the biblical reference to the “bellowing of the cattle” evokes the actual tortuous lived experience of the afflicted animals, and the suffering of their human minders, helpless to relieve them. The tragedy of rinderpest only ended in the 20th century after a concerted multi-national effort to eradicate the disease — one of the earliest modern multinational initiatives to improve the world. (A related disease, Ovine Rinderpest, first described in the 20th century, has not yet been eradicated and affects goats and sheep as well as cattle.) . . . The “Tkhine of the Gate of Tears” by an unknown author presented here derives from the Vilna, 1848 edition. I have transcribed it without any changes from The Merit of Our Mothers בזכות אמהות A Bilingual Anthology of Jewish Women’s Prayers, compiled by Rabbi Tracy Guren Klirs, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1992. shgiyot mi yavin, ministarot nakeni. If you can scan an image of the page from the edition this was copied from, please share it with us. . . . קמע לשמירת המגפה | Amulet for Protection from the Plague, attributed to Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum (ca. 19th c.)A popular prophylactic amulet in the event of an epidemic. . . . אַזְכִּיר מַעֲשֵׂה ה׳ | Azkir Ma’aseh Hashem — a Purim Sheni piyyut of Tripoli for the Shabbat preceding the 29 of Tevet, by Avraham KhalfonIn North Africa, a unique custom developed of reciting a Mi Khamokha v-Ein Kamokha piyyut, inspired by the famed Shabbat Zakhor work of Yehuda haLevi, on the Shabbat before a local Purim (a celebration of community’s deliverance from destruction). This piyyut, written by R. Avraham ben Rafael Khalfon, was recited on the Shabbat before 29 Tevet in the community of Tripoli, to celebrate the victory of the Karamanlid dynasty over the despotic usurper Ali Burghul (after events transpiring from 1793-1804). . . . Categories: Purim Sheni Readings A common practice among Sephardim both eastern and western is to read the aftará for the morning of the fast of Aḇ with a verse-by-verse midrashic translation. Western Sephardim use an Early Modern Spanish text, while Eastern Sephardim use a Judezmo (or Judeo-Spanish proper) text. Attached is a transcript of a Western Sephardic verse-by-verse targum of the aftará for the Shabbat before 9 Aḇ, based on the text found in Isaac Leeser’s Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim, volume 6: Seder haTefilot laTaaniyot (1838), pp. 174-184. Each verse is included in Hebrew, as well as the original Spanish text, and a slightly modernized Spanish text underneath to clarify archaic forms or words that have fallen out of use. Also included are from-scratch English translations. . . . Categories: Tishah b'Av Readings Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., Haftarah supplement, Jeremiah, lamentation, Spanish-Portuguese, Spanish Translation, Western Sepharadim Contributor(s): Unknown Translator(s), Yeshayahu ben Amōts and Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (transcription & naqdanut) The Birkat Habayit is perhaps the most popular blessing in the Jewish world, appearing as a hanging amulet inside the entrance of many houses of Jews of all streams. I have added niqud to the blessing and I am very grateful to Gabriel Wasserman for his corrections to my vocalization. . . . כוונה בהדלקת נר חנוכּה | Kavvanah for the Mitsvah of Kindling the Ḥanukkah Lights by Rebbe Tsvi Elimelekh Spira of Dinov (trans. Moreh Yehudis Fishman)For the purpose of the unification of the Holy One and His divine (feminine) Presence, with trepidation and love and love and trepidation, to unify the name Yud-Kay with Vav-Kay (the four letters of the Tetragrammaton) with a complete unity in the name of all Israel, behold I intend in the lighting of the Hanukkah candle to fulfill the command of my Creator as our wise men of blessed memory have commanded us to repair her root in a supernal abode. . . . Categories: Ḥanukkah “Composed for the Day of Atonement during the Prevalence of the Yellow Fever in New York in 1803,” this prayer was likely composed by Abraham Mears Isaacks (1765-1815). It was published in the Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society number 20 (1911), p. 158, as submitted by Rebecca E. Mitchell, one of Isaacks descendants. . . . Categories: Epidemics & Pandemics Bénédiction pour Napoléon | Blessing on the Festival of Napoleon Ⅰ, by Rabbi David Sinẓheim (15 August 1806)A prayer by Rabbi David Sinzheim given during the Festival of Napoleon the Great on 15 August 1806, as recorded in Collection des Actes de l’Assemblée des Israélites de France et du Royaume d’Italie, pp. 218-219, and Raccolta degli atti dell’assemblea degli Israeliti di Francia e del regno d’Italia, p. 221. . . . Categories: 🇫🇷 France Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., Emancipation, Festival of Napoleon the Great (15 August), First French Empire, French Jewry, Grand Sanhedrin, Napoleon Bonaparte, Prayers for leaders Contributor(s): Joseph David Sinẓheim, Assembly of Jewish Notables and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) This is a prayer composed by David Hizkiahu Baruch Louzada (1750–1825) for Jewish Militiamen in Suriname mustered in the event of Maroon attacks. . . . Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., Dutch Jewry, מי שברך mi sheberakh, slavery, South America, Spanish-Portuguese, Suriname Contributor(s): David Hizkiahu Baruch Louzada, Aharon N. Varady (transcription) and Aharon N. Varady (translation) Prière d’ouverture du le chef du Sanhédrin | Opening prayer of the head of the Grand Sanhedrin, by Rabbi David Sinẓheim (9 February 1807)A prayer offered at the inaugural session of the Grand Sanhedrin (9 February 1807) by Rabbi David Sinzheim, as found in Italian in Raccolta degli atti dell’assemblea degli Israeliti di Francia e del regno d’Italia (1807), p. 21-23, and in French in Collection des Proces-verbaux er decisions du Grand Sanhedrin (1807), p. 23-25. . . . Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., civil declarations and charters, Emancipation, First French Empire, French Jewry, Grand Sanhedrin, Napoleon Bonaparte Contributor(s): Joseph David Sinẓheim, le Grand Sanhédrin, Assembly of Jewish Notables and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) 📖 סדור התפלות (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder haTefilot: The Order of the Daily Prayers in Hebrew and English According to the Custom of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews, compiled and translated by David Levi (2nd ed. 1810)One of the earliest bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbooks compiled for Spanish & Portuguese Jews in the British Empire. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim תפלת ישירים קריאי העדה אנשי שם סנהדרין | Prière des Membres du Sanhédrin | Prayer for Convening the Grand Sanhedrin in Paris on 1 Adar 5567 (9 February 1807)A prayer composed for convening the Grand Sanhedrin established under the court of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1807. . . . Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., Emancipation, First French Empire, French Jewry, Grand Sanhedrin, Napoleon Bonaparte Contributor(s): Joseph David Sinẓheim, le Grand Sanhédrin, Assembly of Jewish Notables and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) הוד מלכות | Preghiera e Benedizione al Sovrano Napoleone Ⅰ | Prayer and Blessing for Napoleon Ⅰ on his birthday, in the Synagogue of the Jews of Livorno (15 August 1808)A prayer service for the Festival of Napoleon celebrating the Emperor’s birthday in 1808, included a novel prayer by Rabbi Jacob Nunes-Vais (1782-1812) for introducing the traditional prayer for the king, “hanoten teshua,” published in הוד מלכות (Hod Malkhut) Preghiere Recitate, E Cantate Nel Tempio Degli Ebrei Di Livorno, Il di 15. Agosto 1808. Ricorrendo Il Faustissimo Giorno Natalizio Di S. M. I., E R. L’ Augustissimo Napoleone I Imperatore De’Francesi, Re D’Italia, E Protettore Della Confederazione Del Reno. . . . Categories: 🇮🇹 Italy Discours Prononcé dans le Temple de la rue Sainte-Avoye | Speech on the Anniversary of the coronation of Napoleon Ⅰ, by Rabbi Abraham de Cologna (3 December 1809)A speech given in honor of Napoleon concluding with a prayer by Abraham de Cologna, chief rabbi of the Central Consistory of Israelites, in 1809 on the anniversary of the emperor’s coronation. . . . Categories: 🇫🇷 France ברכה לקסר ומלך | Prière pour Sa Majesté Impériale et Royale | Prayer for the Emperor and King, Napoleon Ⅰ (ca. 1810)A prayer composed for honoring Napoleon Ⅰ by the emancipated Jews of France. . . . 📖 Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion, an anthology of teḥinot in German by Pereẓ Beer (1815, 1839, 1843)The first anthology of teḥinot published in Judeo-German rather than Yiddish. . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers The Star-Spangled Banner (די שטערן־שטרײפיקע פאָן), the national anthem of the United States by Francis Scott Key (1814)The National Anthem of the United States of America with a Yiddish translation by Berl Lapin. . . . Bei muthmaßlicher Gefahr zur Verführung | In suspected danger of seduction, a teḥinah by Pereẓ Beer (1815)“Bei muthmaßlicher Gefahr zur Verführung (In suspected danger of seduction)” was first published in Pereẓ (Peter) Beer’s Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion (1815), as teḥinah №66 on pp. 184-187 where it was rendered in Judeo-German. The German rendering transcribed above follows teḥinah №66 in Henry Frank’s 1839 edition on pp. 158-160. A variation can also be found in the Beer’s 1843 edition as teḥinah №67 on p. 157-159. . . . Categories: Mixed Dancing “Unglückliche Ehe (Unhappy Marriage)” was first published in Pereẓ (Peter) Beer’s Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion (1815), as teḥinah №39 on p. 127-129 where it was rendered in Judeo-German. The German rendering transcribed above follows teḥinah №39 in Henry Frank’s 1839 edition on p. 108-110. A variation can also be found in the Beer’s 1843 edition as teḥinah №40 on p. 107-109. . . . Categories: Marriage [Gebet] in den letzten Monaten der Schwangerschaft | Prayer in the last months of pregnancy, a teḥinah by Pereẓ Beer (1815)“[Gebet] In den letzten Monaten der Schwangerschaft (Prayer in the last months of pregnancy)” was first published in Pereẓ (Peter) Beer’s Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion (1815), as teḥinah №61 on pp. 173-175 where it was rendered in Judeo-German. The German rendering transcribed above follows teḥinah №61 in Henry Frank’s 1839 edition on pp. 148-150. A variation can also be found in Beer’s 1843 edition as teḥinah №62 on p. 147-149. . . . Categories: Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth “[Gebet] Am Geburtstage (Prayer on a birthday)” was first published in Peter (Peretz) Beer’s Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion (1815), as teḥinah №34 on p. 115-118 where it was rendered in Judeo-German. The German rendering transcribed above follows teḥinah №34 in Henry Frank’s 1839 edition on p. 98-100. A variation can also be found in the Beer’s 1843 edition as teḥinah №34 on p. 95-97. . . . Categories: Bnei (Bar/Bat) Mitsvah & Other Birthday Prayers “[Gebet] Nach der Entbindung (Prayer after the childbirth)” was first published in Pereẓ (Peter) Beer’s Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion (1815), as teḥinah №62 on pp. 175-177 where it was rendered in Judeo-German. The German rendering transcribed above follows teḥinah №62 in Henry Frank’s 1839 edition on pp. 150-151. A variation can also be found in Beer’s 1843 edition as teḥinah №63 on p. 149-150. . . . Categories: Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth “Gebet einer Handelsfrau (Prayer for a merchant woman)” was first published in Pereẓ (Peter) Beer’s Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion (1815), as teḥinah №40 on p. 129-132 where it was rendered in Judeo-German. The German rendering transcribed above follows that of Henry Frank’s 1839 edition on p. 110-112. . . . “Gebet einer Shwangern (Prayer for a pregnant woman)” was first published in Pereẓ (Peter) Beer’s Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion (1815), as teḥinah №60 on pp. 172-173 where it was rendered in Judeo-German. The German rendering transcribed above follows teḥinah №60 in Henry Frank’s 1839 edition on pp. 147-148. A variation can also be found in Beer’s 1843 edition as teḥinah №61 on p. 146-147. . . . Categories: Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth [Gebet] für den Regenten | Prayer for the Regent (Kaiser Franz Ⅰ, emperor of Austria), a teḥinah by Pereẓ Beer (1815)“[Gebet] Für den Regenten (Prayer for the Regent)” was first published in Pereẓ (Peter) Beer’s Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion (1815), as teḥinah №11 on pp. 31-32 where it was rendered in Judeo-German. The German rendering transcribed above follows teḥinah №11 in Henry Frank’s 1839 edition on pp. 27-29. A variation can also be found in Beer’s 1843 edition as teḥinah №9 on p. 14-15. . . . “Am Überfhreitungsfest (At the Exodus Festival)” was first published in Pereẓ (Peter) Beer’s Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion (1815), as teḥinah №26 on pages 85-90 where it was rendered in Judeo-German. The German rendering transcribed above follows teḥinah №26 in Henry Frank’s 1839 edition on pages 74-78. A variation can also be found in the Beer’s 1843 edition as teḥinah №27 on pages 70-74. . . . Categories: Pesaḥ Yamei Ḥag ליקוטי תפילות ב:נג | Prayer of Peace from War, for Rainfall, and for Excellence in Torah Study (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅱ:53), by Reb Noson of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)Often, when people refer to “Rebbe Naḥman’s Prayer for Peace,” they are referring to a more recent prayer combining portions of a number of prayers of Reb Noson of Nemyriv, including this one Liqutei Tefilot Ⅱ:53. In addition to a prayer for peace and the eradication of war, the prayer requests rain in its due time, excellence in Torah study, and protection from unworthy students of Torah. Reb Noson of Nemirov adapted his teḥinot from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman of Bratslav in Liqutei Moharan Ⅱ:60. . . . ליקוטי תפילות א:קמא | Prayer for Peace from Disputation (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:141), by Reb Noson of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)Often, when people refer to “Rebbe Naḥman’s Prayer for Peace,” they are referring to a more recent prayer combining portions of a number of prayers of Reb Noson of Nemyriv, sometimes also including from this one: Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:141, a prayer for the spiritual illumination of the Jewish people in the context of opposition to Ḥasidut. Reb Noson of Nemirov adapted his teḥinot from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman of Bratslav in Liqutei Moharan Ⅰ:239. . . . Categories: Torah Study ליקוטי תפילות א:קלט | Prayer for Truth in Light of Opposition (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:139), by Reb Noson of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)Often, when people refer to “Rebbe Naḥman’s Prayer for Peace,” they are referring to a more recent prayer combining portions of a number of prayers of Reb Noson of Nemyriv, sometimes also including from this one: Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:139, a prayer for the spiritual illumination of the Jewish people in the context of opposition to Ḥasidut. Reb Noson of Nemirov adapted his teḥinot from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman of Bratslav in Liqutei Moharan Ⅰ:228. . . . Categories: Torah Study ליקוטי תפילות ב:יא | Prayer for the ability to pray alone with the vegetation of the field (Liqutei Tefillot Ⅱ:11a), by Reb Noson of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)A prayer for entering hitbodedut (solitary meditation, preferably in a natural setting), by Reb Noson of Nemyriv, as adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman of Bratslav. . . . Categories: Solitude ליקוטי תפילות א:לז | Prayer for a Gilgul Nefesh (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:37), by Reb Noson Sternhartz of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)Reb Noson’s Likutei Tefillot I:37 contains teḥinot derived from Rebbe Naḥman’s Likutei Moharan I:37. . . . Categories: Kosher Slaughter Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., anti-Enlightenment, Breslov, children's education, curses, dveykut, fasting, גלגול נפשות gilgul nefashot, חסידי ברצלב Ḥasidei Bratslav (Breslov), kosher slaughter, Likutei Tefilot, memory, Needing Proofreading, pedagogy, Prayers adapted from teachings, Problematic prayers, sheḥitah, shoḥtim, spiritual hunger and thirst, תחינות teḥinot, transmigration of souls, צדקה tsedaqah ליקוטי תפילות א:קטז | Prayer for Peace in Disagreement (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:116), by Reb Noson of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)Often, when people refer to “Rebbe Naḥman’s Prayer for Peace,” they are referring to a more recent prayer combining portions of a number of prayers of Reb Noson of Nemyriv, including from this one: Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:116. Reb Noson of Nemirov adapted his teḥinot from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman of Bratslav in Liqutei Moharan Ⅰ:137. . . . Categories: Torah Study ליקוטי תפילות א:קמה | Prayer for Sukkot (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:145), by Reb Nosson Sternhartz of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)A prayer for Sukkot linking the theme of home building and receiving Torah with a warning not to eat animals and to extend ones compassion to all creatures. . . . הֲלֹא אֶת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֶת הָאָרֶץ אֲנִי מָלֵא | Do not I fill heaven and earth? (Liqutei Tefilot I:7 part 1) by Reb Noson Sternhartz of Nemyriv (ca. 1820s), translated by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)“Do not I fill heaven and earth?” is a translation by Rabbi Morrison David Bial of a portion of Reb Nosson of Nemyriv’s Liqutei Tefilot I:7.1, as adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman of Bratslav in Liqutei Moharan I:7.1. The translation was first published in his anthology, An Offering of Prayer (1962), p. 76, from where the English was transcribed. I have set this translation side-by-side with the Hebrew noting some elisions in Rabbi Bial’s adaptation. –Aharon Varady . . . Categories: Shavuot Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., אנה אמצאך ana emtsaeka, English Translation, חסידי ברצלב Ḥasidei Bratslav (Breslov), Prayers for Praying Contributor(s): Morrison David Bial, Noson Sternhartz of Nemyriv and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) תַשְׁפִּיעַ עָלַי חָכְמָה בִּינָה וָדַעַת מֵאִתְּךָ | Pour upon me your wisdom, understanding, and knowledge (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:58 part 1) by Reb Noson Sternhartz of Nemyriv (ca. 1820s) and “A Student’s Prayer” as adapted by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)“A Student’s Prayer,” was adapted by Rabbi Morrison David Bial from Reb Nosson Sternhartz of Nemyriv’s Liqutei Tefilot I:58.1, itself adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman of Bratslav in Liqutei Moharan I:58.1. The adaptation by Rabbi Bial was first published in his anthology, An Offering of Prayer (1962), p. 83, from where the English was transcribed. I have set his adaptation side-by-side with the Hebrew as well as I could determine, providing for a reference Yaacov David Shulman’s translation as originally published by the Breslove Research Insitute in 2009. –Aharon Varady . . . Categories: Learning, Study, and School Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., Prayers before Torah Study, public speaking, תחינות teḥinot Contributor(s): Morrison David Bial, Noson Sternhartz of Nemyriv and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) “Brich aus in lauten Klagen” by Heinrich Heine was preserved in a letter he wrote to his friend Moses Moser dated 25 October 1824. The poem is included in Heinrich Heine’s Letters on The Rabbi of Bacharach, the manuscript of which only survived in a fragment, the rest having been lost, according to Heine, in a fire. The English translation here by Nina Salaman was transcribed from her anthology, Apples & Honey (1921) where it appears under the title of “Martyr-Song,” published at an earlier date in The Jewish Chronicle. . . . Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., English Translation, German Jewry, German vernacular prayer, קינות Ḳinōt, rhyming translation Contributor(s): Nina Davis Salaman (translation), Heinrich Heine and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) 📖 The Sabbath Service and Miscellaneous Prayers (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1825)The first Reform prayerbook in the United States and the fourth oldest Reform liturgy in the world. . . . Categories: Shabbat Siddurim Prayer for the Government [of the United States of America], by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1825)This historically significant prayer for the government of the United States of America offered by the Reformed Society of Israelites (Charleston, S.C.), appears in The Sabbath service and miscellaneous prayers, adopted by the Reformed society of Israelites, founded in Charleston, S.C., November 21, 1825 (1830, Bloch: 1916). . . . Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., American Jewry of the United States, American Reform Movement, South Carolina, United States Contributor(s): David Nunes Carvalho, Reformed Society of Israelites and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) The hymn “Although the vine its fruit deny” by Abraham Moïse (ca.1799-1869), is presented as Hymn 1 in The Sabbath service and miscellaneous prayers, adopted by the Reformed society of Israelites, founded in Charleston, S.C., November 21, 1825 (1830), p. 55. . . . Categories: Tishah b'Av “Sabbath Blessing” by Caroline de Litchfield Harby (ca.1800-1876), is included in the so-called Isaac Harby Prayerbook (1974) also known as the Cohn Lithograph, a handwritten prayerbook attesting to the prayers of the Reformed Society of Israel. . . . Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., English vernacular prayer, hymns, paraliturgical yotser ohr, South Carolina Contributor(s): Caroline de Litchfield Harby, Reformed Society of Israelites and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) The Glory of God, a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)A hymn provided for opening or concluding the morning Sabbath service of the Reformed Society of Israelites (Charleston, S.C.) ca. 1826. . . . Categories: Shaḥarit l'Shabbat ul'Yom Tov Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., ABAB rhyming scheme, American Jewry of the United States, American Reform Movement, English vernacular prayer, hymns, South Carolina, United States Contributor(s): David Nunes Carvalho, Reformed Society of Israelites and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Licht und Wahrheit | Light and Truth, translated by Felix Adler (1868) from a poem by Eduard Kley (1826)“Licht und Wahrheit (Light and Truth)” is a hymn translated by Felix Adler from Allgemeines Israelitisches Gesangbuch: eingeführt in dem Neuen Israelitischen Tempel zu Hamburg (1833), hymn №125, pp. 155-157, and published in Hymns, for Divine Service in the Temple Emanu-El (1871), hymn №12, pp. 24-25. We have tentatively dated this hymn to 1868, since another hymn by Adler (“School-hymn, no. 36”) can be found appended from another unattributed work in A Guide to Instruction in the Israelitsh Religion (Samuel Adler, trans. M. Mayer, Temple Emanu-El, 1864, 4th printing 1868). The hymn as printed in the Hamburg Temple Hymnal is nine stanzas long. That hymnal credits the hymn as printed in the collected sermons of Eduard Kley, Sammlung der neuesten Predigten (1826) where it appears on pages 49-50 in three stanzas as part of a discourse on Passover. . . . Categories: Pesaḥ Yamei Ḥag Thanksgiving for Divine Mercy, a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)A hymn provided for opening or concluding the morning Sabbath service of the Reformed Society of Israelites (Charleston, S.C.) ca. 1830. . . . Categories: Shaḥarit l'Shabbat ul'Yom Tov Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., American Jewry of the United States, American Reform Movement, English vernacular prayer, hymns, מודים Modim, paraliturgical modim, South Carolina, United States Contributor(s): David Nunes Carvalho, Reformed Society of Israelites and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Light of Truth (a/k/a Glad Tidings), a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)A hymn provided for opening or concluding the morning Sabbath service of the Reformed Society of Israelites (Charleston, S.C.) ca. 1826. . . . Categories: Shaḥarit l'Shabbat ul'Yom Tov Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., American Jewry of the United States, American Reform Movement, English vernacular prayer, hymns, South Carolina, United States Contributor(s): David Nunes Carvalho, Reformed Society of Israelites and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Universal Praise, a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)A hymn provided for opening or concluding the morning Sabbath service of the Reformed Society of Israelites (Charleston, S.C.) ca. 1826. . . . Categories: Shaḥarit l'Shabbat ul'Yom Tov Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., American Jewry of the United States, American Reform Movement, English vernacular prayer, hymns, South Carolina, United States Contributor(s): David Nunes Carvalho, Reformed Society of Israelites and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Before YHVH’s Awful Throne, a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)A hymn provided for opening or concluding the morning Sabbath service of the Reformed Society of Israelites (Charleston, S.C.) ca. 1826. . . . Categories: Shaḥarit l'Shabbat ul'Yom Tov Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., American Jewry of the United States, American Reform Movement, English vernacular prayer, hymns, South Carolina, United States Contributor(s): David Nunes Carvalho, Reformed Society of Israelites and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Strike the Cymbal, a hymn by Columbus Moïse (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)A hymn provided for opening or concluding the morning Sabbath service of the Reformed Society of Israelites (Charleston, S.C.) ca. 1826. . . . Categories: Psuqei d'Zimrah/Zemirot l'Shabbat ul'Yom Tov 📖 תְּחִנּוֹת בְּנוֹת יְשֻׁרוּן | Techinôs Benôs Jeschurun ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer, an anthology of teḥinot in German by Wolf Mayer (1828)The second anthology of teḥinot published in Judeo-German rather than Yiddish. . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers | ||
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