— for those crafting their own prayerbooks and sharing the content of their practice
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58th century A.M. —⟶ tag: 58th century A.M. Sorted Chronologically (old to new). Sort most recent first? מי שברך לשלום החולים במגפת נגיף הקורונה | Mi sheBerakh for the Welfare of those Ill from the Coronavirus Epidemic (Schechter Rabbinical Seminary 2020)A Mi Sheberakh prayer offered on behalf of those battling, suffering from, and imperiled by the 2019-2020 Coronavirus Outbreak and pandemic. . . . Categories: Epidemics & Pandemics תחינה לימי נגיף הקורונה | Supplication for the Days of the Coronavirus (Masorti Movement in Israel 2020)A prayer disseminated by the Masorti Movement in Israel in response to the Coronavirus outbreak in Israel and around the world. . . . Categories: Epidemics & Pandemics הושענא להושענא רבא תשפ״א | Save Us! A Hosha-na Prayer, by Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier for Hoshana Rabba 2020A Hoshana prayer supplement for Hoshana Rabbah during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic in 2020. . . . The full text of Rabbi Lauren Berkun’s benediction offered at the end of the third day of the Democratic National Convention, 20 August 2020. . . . I can’t breathe, We can’t breathe, Earth can’t breathe, a prayer-poem by Rabbi Arthur Waskow (the Shalom Center 2020)A prayer-poem by Rabbi Arthur Waskow reflecting on our difficulty breathing, as a society, as humanity, and as a interconnected, interbreathing biosphere. . . . ברכה לילדים | Blessing for Children [at the Onset of the School Year] (Siddur Tefilat ha-Adam, Israeli Reform Movement 2020)A prayer for children at the onset of the school year. . . . Categories: Learning, Study, and School שַׁוְעַת נָשִׁים: תפילה לשלומן של נשים קורבנות אלימות | Shav’at Nashim, a prayer for the safety of women who are victims of violence (Masorti Movement in Israel)A prayer for the safety and well-being of women who are victims of violence, and especially domestic violence. . . . תפלה לשליח ציבור | Hineni: The Prayer of the Shaliaḥ Tsibur, interpretive translation by Rabbi Oren SteinitzHineni – the leader’s prayer that opens the High Holy Days Mussaf has always been a challenge for me. While a dramatic moment in the service, it always seemed a little *too* grand to represent a prayer of humility. This is a version of it I wrote in an attempt to make myself more comfortable at that moment. –Rabbi Oren Steinitz . . . A prayer for women caught up in the torment of ‘get’ refusal from a husband who refuses to grant them the document required for a religious divorce. . . . A prayer for the Passover seder recognizing the enslavement and estrangement of Jews and Israelites of African descent with hope for their ingathering. . . . Categories: Magid A prayer for safe travel. . . . Categories: Travel A prayer for safe travel. . . . Categories: Travel A summary of the lineage of the Mesorah, as it passed through generations of Israelite and Jewish women. . . . A prayer for children on the first day of a new year of school. . . . Categories: Learning, Study, and School An opening prayer for divine communication and closeness. . . . Categories: Weekday Amidah על אלה אנו בוכים | Al eleh anu bokhim (For these we weep), a lamentation for humanity’s destruction of habitat and species, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)A ḳinnah for humanity’s willful, negligent, and callous destruction of habitat and species known and unknown. . . . Two kavvanot, one for before and one for after casting away in a Tashlikh ritual. . . . Categories: Tashlikh A companion to the classic piyyut, Yigdal. . . . A prayer for focusing one’s mind and intention during the separation of dough in the preparation of halah before Shabbat. . . . Categories: Erev Shabbat A short amidah for the Friday evening service for Shabbat. . . . Categories: Arvit l'Shabbat A paraliturgical translation of the opening paragraph of the Shema. . . . Categories: the Shema An alternative weekday aliyah. . . . Categories: Weekday Amidah Mah Nishtanah: what needs to change, a seder supplement to the Four Questions by Kohenet Ilana Joy StreitA playful, powerful, passionate reading for Passover seder or any time. Can be chanted to the traditional Ashkenazi lilt for the Four Questions. . . . A poem-blessing for trailblazers of many kinds, to honor everyday courage and to inspire trust and self-compassion. . . . A blessing for announcing the new moon of Adar, for Rosh Ḥodesh Adar, and for the whole month. . . . Categories: Rosh Ḥodesh Adar (אַדָר) Alef & Bet A blessing for announcing the new moon of Shevat, for Rosh Ḥodesh Shevat, and for the whole month. . . . Categories: Rosh Ḥodesh Shəvat (שְׁבָט) A soulful, playful, embodied, grounded poem for announcing the new moon of Tishrei, for Rosh Ḥodesh Tishrei (otherwise known as Rosh HaShanah) and for the whole month. . . . A blessing for announcing the new moon of Elul, for Rosh Ḥodesh Elul, and for the whole month. A poem of kindness, rootedness and transformation as we enter into a time of turning and returning. . . . Categories: Rosh Ḥodesh Elul (אֶלוּל) A blessing for announcing the new moon of Av, for Rosh Ḥodesh Av, and for the whole month. A poem of grieving and gentleness as part of collective liberation. . . . Categories: Rosh Ḥodesh Av (אָב) A blessing for announcing the new moon of Nisan, for Rosh Ḥodesh Nisan, and for the whole month. . . . Categories: Rosh Ḥodesh Nisan (נִיסָן) This formulation of the Birkat Yeladim (Blessing of the Children) maintains a connection with tradition and serves to degender the blessing by calling upon quoted, mixed gender texts which have merit for children of any gender. . . . Schedule for the Reading of Ketuvim Aḥerim corresponding to the Weekly Torah Portion, by Isaac Gantwerk MayerA schedule for the reading of Proverbs, Job, Chronicles, Ezra/Neḥemiah, and Daniel, corresponding to each Torah portion of the annual reading cycle in the rabbinic Jewish calendar. . . . רַחֲמָנָא | Raḥamana di N’shaya — an Aramaic seliḥoth piyyut for biblical women by Isaac Gantwerk MayerThe Raḥamana piyyut is a litany beloved in Sephardic and Mizraḥi communities, a standard part of their Seliḥoth services throughout the month of Elul and the days of repentance. Traditionally it cites a list of Biblical men (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Pinhas, David, and Solomon) and asks to be remembered for their merit and their covenants, for the sake of “Va-yaŋabor” — the first word of Exodus 34:6, the introduction to the verses of the Thirteen Attributes recited in Seliḥoth services. This text instead uses Biblical women (Sarah, Rebecca, Leah and Rachel, Serach, Miriam, Deborah, Ruth, Hannah, and Esther). . . . Categories: Rosh haShanah (l’Maaseh Bereshit) 📄 סֵדֶר סִימָנִים לְרֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה – שִׁכְתּוּב אַנְגְּלִי שֶׁשּׁוֹמֵר לָשׁוֹן־שֶׁנּוֹפֵל־עַל־לָשׁוֹן | Order of Simanim for Rosh haShanah — an English paraphrase that preserves wordplay, by Isaac Gantwerk MayerMany communities have a custom of reciting “simanim” on the night of Rosh haShanah — invocations on a series of foods punning over their Hebrew or Aramaic names. This is an assortment of common simanim, along with English loose translations that preserve the punning aspects of the foods. . . . Categories: Seder Akhilat haSimanim ברכת המזון לסעודה מפסקת ערב תשעה בעב | Birkat haMazon for the Seudah Mafseqet (Pre-Fast Meal) of Tishah b’Av, by Isaac Gantwerk MayerA Birkat haMazon with additions for the pre-Fast meal of Tisha b’Av . . . ברכת המזון לראש השנה לבהמה | Birkat haMazon Supplement for Rosh haShanah la-Behemah, by Isaac Gantwerk MayerThis is a poetic text for Birkat haMazon, signed with an alphabetical acrostic and the name of the author, to be recited on the first of Elul. It celebrates the variety of God’s creation as exemplified by the natural diversity of species, as well as alluding to the livestock tithes traditionally assigned on the first of Elul. . . . ברכת המזון לסעודה מפסקת לפני יום הכפורים | Birkat haMazon for the Pre-Fast Meal for Yom Kippur, by Isaac Gantwerk MayerThis acrostic poetic form of Birkat haMazon was written for the se’udah mafseqet (pre-fast meal) before Yom Kippur, in the manner of the poetic Birkat haMazon variants recorded in the Cairo Geniza. . . . Categories: Yom Kippur 💬 קריאות לימי זכרון השואה ורצח עם | Torah and Haftarah Readings for Holocaust & Genocide Memorial DaysA Torah reading (divided into three aliyot) and a Haftarah reading to be recited for days commemorating genocides such as (but not limited to) the Holocaust. . . . Categories: Holocaust & Genocide Memorial Day Readings 💬 קריאות לראש השנה לבהמה | Torah and Haftarah Readings for Rosh haShanah la-Behemot on Rosh Ḥodesh ElulA reading for the New Year’s Day for Animals — Rosh haShanah laBehemot — on Rosh Ḥodesh Elul. . . . Categories: Rosh haShanah la-Behemah Readings This prayer is not a comprehensive list of every single sin we sinned, every error we erred, every mark we missed. The original Al Ḥeyt is intended to show us the roots of all failures, to dig beneath how we harm, to see where that hurt came from. We follow these trails together, not absolved from our own repairs, but never alone in struggles to uproot, to propagate new ways of being ourselves, new ways of being ourselves, of being together. . . . Categories: Yom Kippur כְּגַוְנָא | k’Gavna (Just As) from the Zohar parashat Terumah §163-166, a paraliturgical interpretive translation by Rabbi Rachel BarenblatA paraliturgical translation of “k’Gavna” — a portion of the Zohar on parashat Terumah read before Ma’ariv in the ḥassidic-sefardic nusaḥ. . . . הַגָּדַת “וַיְבִאֵנוּ אֶל הַמָּקוֹם הַזֶּה” | “And Hashem Brought Us to This Place,” a Magid supplement for Those Living in Erets YisraelAccording to Mishnah Pesaḥim 10:4, “One expounds (doresh) from ‘A wandering Aramean was my father’ (Deuteronomy 26:5) until he finishes the whole story.” This supplement to Maggid, the verse Deuteronomy 26:9 and its midrash, fulfills the obligation. The verse and its midrash fit into the Passover Haggadah after the ten plagues and the midrash on them, right before the song Dayyenu. . . . Categories: Magid ברכת קיבוץ גלויות | Blessing for Kibuts Galuyot (Ingathering of exiles), for weekday Amidah by Rabbi Noa MazorA prayer for the ingathering of Jews from the Diaspora to Erets Yisrael. . . . Categories: Weekday Amidah The major themes of the Rosh haShanah musaf liturgy, color coded with the three central blessings of the service presented comparatively in parallel columns. . . . Categories: Rosh haShanah (l’Maaseh Bereshit) אדמה ושמים | Adamah v’Shamayim (Earth & Heaven), a prayer-poem by Rabbi Louis Polisson after the song by Shimon Lev-Tahor (Suissa)This poem was composed at the end of August 2020 / Elul 5780 as part of Rabbi Katy Allen’s Earth Etudes for Elul 5780. . . . Categories: Yom Kippur An al hanissim prayer for the State of Israel’s Day of Independence. . . . Categories: 🇮🇱 Yom ha-Atsma'ut (5 Iyyar) Four morning blessings inspired from traditional blessing in the Birkhot haShaḥar and Shaḥarit services. . . . Categories: Berakhot sheNatani The blessing recited prior to the Shema, in the wording of Michal Talya. . . . Categories: Birkat Ahavah A soliloquy in the voice of Judith. . . . Categories: Ḥag haBanot (Eid el Benat) Readings Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Barry Block on 10 January 2020The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 10 January 2020. . . . | ||
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