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📖 The Sabbath Service and Miscellaneous Prayers (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1825)

Prayer for the Government [of the United States of America], by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1825)

The Glory of God, a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)

Thanksgiving for Divine Mercy, a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)

Light of Truth (a/k/a Glad Tidings), a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)

Universal Praise, a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)

Before YHVH’s Awful Throne, a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)

Strike the Cymbal, a hymn by Columbus Moïse (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)

Lift Up Your Hands, a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)

God our Shepherd and Guardian, an adaptation of Psalms 23 by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)

Brotherly Love, an adaptation of Psalms 133 by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)

📖 Hymns Written for the Service of the Hebrew Congregation Beth Elohim, Charleston, South Carolina (Penina Moïse et al., 1842)

Israel! To Holy Numbers Tune Thy Harp, a hymn by Columbus Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim, Charleston, South Carolina, 1842)

📖 Hymns Written for the Use of Hebrew Congregations (Penina Moïse et al., Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim, Charleston, South Carolina 1856)

📖 עלת תמיד (רפורמי) | Olat Tamid: Gebetbuch für Israelitische Reform-Gemeinden, by Rabbi David Einhorn (1858)

📖 תפלות בני ישורון (רפורמי) | Tefilot Bnei Yeshurun – Gebetbuch für den Öffentlichen Gottesbienft und die Privat-Andacht, by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (Minhag America, 1861)

📖 תפלות בני ישורון לראש השנה (רפורמי) | The Divine Service of American Israelites for the New Year, by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (Minhag America, 1866)

📖 תפלות בני ישורון ליום הכפורים (רפורמי) | The Divine Service of American Israelites for the Day of Atonement, by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (Minhag America, 1866)

📖 תפלות בני ישורון (רפורמי) | Hymns, Psalms & Prayers in English and German, by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, et al (Minhag America, 1868)

📖 Hymns for Divine Service in the Temple Emanu-El, by Rabbi James Koppel Gutheim et al (1871)

📖 עלת תמיד (רפורמי) | Olath Tamid: Book of Prayers for Israelitish Congregations, by David Einhorn (English translation, 1872)

📖 תפלות בני ישורון (רפורמי) | Selected Prayers for Various Occasions in Life, by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (Minhag America, 1872)

📖 תפלות בני ישורון (רפורמי) | The Daily Prayers for American Israelites, by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (Minhag America, 1872)

📖 תפלת ישראל (רפורמי) | Prayers of Israel according to the minhag of Ḳ.Ḳ. Shaarei Tiqvah (Temple Gates of Hope), a prayerbook compiled by Rabbi Dr. Edward B.M. Browne (1885)

📖 (רפורמי)‏ Morning Prayers, arranged by Rabbi Dr. Gustav Gottheil (Temple Emanu-El, 1889)

📖 תפלת בית אהבה (רפורמי) (Tefilat Beit Ahaḇah) A Book of Prayer for Jewish Worship, compiled by Rabbi Edward N. Calisch (1893)

📖 סדר תפלות ישראל (רפורמי)‏ | Seder Tefilot Yisrael: The Union Prayer Book for Jewish Worship – Part II: New Year’s Day, Day of Atonement (CCAR 1894)

📖 סדר תפלות ישראל (רפורמי)‏ | Seder Tefilot Yisrael: The Union Prayer Book for Jewish Worship – Part I: The Sabbath, Three Festivals, and Weekdays (CCAR 1895)

Prayer for the Congregation and the Government, by the Central Conference of American Rabbis (1895)

📖 עלת תמיד (רפורמי) | Dr. David Einhorn’s Olath Tamid: Book of Prayers for Jewish Congregations, translated and adapted by Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch (1896)

📖 Union Hymnal (CCAR 1897)

📖 (רפורמי) A Book of Prayer, compiled by Rabbi J. Leonard Levy (1902)

📖 סדר תפלות ישראל (רפורמי)‏ | Seder Tefilot Yisrael: The Union Prayer Book for Jewish Worship – Morning Services (CCAR 1907)

📖 The Union Hymnal for Jewish Worship (CCAR 1914)

📖 תפלת ישראל | Tefilat Yisrael: A Brief Jewish Ritual (Women of Miẓpah 1921)

📖 Evening Service for the Sabbath from the Union Prayer Book, Newly Revised (CCAR 1924)

📖 Union Home Prayer Book (CCAR 1951)