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🔖 ברכות brakhot

שבע ברכות | Sheva Brakhot, the seven blessings following the Birkat Mazon at a wedding meal

הברכה שמח תשמח | Blessing for Joy: A Poetic Rendering of Sheva Brakhah no. 6 (Same’aḥ T’samaḥ), by Daniel Kieval

Blessing over Separation, by Shelby Handler

ברכת יוצר יצירים | A Blessing for Creating, by Rabbi Adina Allen (Jewish Studio Project)

The Earth is Our Temple, a d’var tefilah on making blessings over foods by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid.org)

ברכת יוצר האדם לכבוד יום זכויות האדם ולכל יום | A Blessing for International Human Rights Day (and every day), by Rabbi Oded Mazor (2012)

Blessing Group Torah Study with Brakhot, Ḳaddish, and Kavvanah, by Rabbi Arthur Waskow

ברכות השחר | Blessings at your Dawn of Wakefulness, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

A Blessing over Water for Peace, Health, Joy, Prosperity, and Kindness — by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (ca. 2004)

Blessings and Ethics: The Spiritual Life of Justice, a dvar tefillah on berakhot by Rabbi Dr. Joshua Gutoff (1997)