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Prayer for a Day of Prayer and Humiliation on Account of the Revolt in India, by the S&P Bevis Marks Congregation (6 November 1857)

Prayer for a Day of Prayer and Humiliation on Account of the Revolt in India, by the the Synagogues of the United Congregations of the British Empire (6 November 1857)

Óró sé do bheatha abhaile | הוֹי בָּרוּך הַבָּא הַבַּֽיתָה (Hoy! Barukh ha-Ba ha-Baitah) — adapted by Pádraig Pearse (1916; Hebrew translation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer)

דאנקסגיו אלע די בּוּנע | Tanksgiv All the Boona, an al hanissim prayer of thanksgiving on Thanksgiving Day by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi