A complementary (positive vidui) to supplement the harsh communal and personal vidu’im (confessions) being offered during the Zman Teshuvah. . . .
Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., acknowledgment, acrostic, Alphabetic Acrostic, Aseret Yemei Tshuvah, complementary vidui, confession, Maale Gilboa, positive self-recognition, supplemental vidui, וידוי vidui, ישראל Yisrael, זמן תשובה Zman teshuvah
Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez writes, “Rav Avi spoke to us a few times as he was working through [composing] this [vidui] and I am truly moved by it. Let us not only remember and confess our wrong doings, but also what we did right this year.” . . .
Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., acrostic, Alphabetic Acrostic, complementary vidui, confession, New York, North America, Open Orthodoxy, positive self-recognition, supplemental vidui, וידוי vidui, זמן תשובה Zman teshuvah