Tags: acrostic, Alphabetic Acrostic, blessings prior to the shema, Chinese translation, cosmological, אל אדון el adon, Geonic prayers, ההיכלות ויורדי המרכבה haHeikhalot v'Yordei haMerkavah, heikhalot literature, פיוטים piyyuṭim, יוצר אור yotser ohr
The piyyut, El Adon, in Hebrew with an English translation. . . .
The piyyut, El Adon, in Hebrew with an interpretive “praying translation” by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalom, z”l. . . .
The piyyut El Adon in its nusaḥ Ashkenaz variation set side-to-side with an acrostic alphabetic translation in English. . . .