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הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Government of the United States of America, presented by Gershom Seixas on Thanksgiving Day 1789

💬 מְגִלַּת וָשִׁעְתּוֹן | Megillat Washiŋton — a Purim Sheni scroll for 🇺🇸 Thanksgiving Day by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (1790, 2018)

Prayer for the Government in honor of George Washington, First President of the United States of America by Ḳ.Ḳ. Beit Shalome (1789)

Prayer before the Tomb of George Washington at Mount Vernon by Rabbi Dr. Max Lilienthal (13 July 1876)

Prayer on the Centennial of the Inauguration of George Washington, by Rabbi Yaakov Yosef (1889)

Prayer on the 100th Anniversary of the Death of George Washington, by Rabbi Edward N. Calisch (1899)