A midrashic translation/ interpretation of the second paragraph of the Sh’ma. . . .
May the words we are with Your help sharing today, Speak deeply –- with Your help — to our nation and the world. Help us all to know that the sharing of our breath with all of life Is the very proof, the very truth, that we are One. . . .
A prayer-poem inspired from the liturgical prayer, Nishmat. . . .
A prayer for human solidarity to mitigate the danger that comes when our particular identity as Bnei Yisrael greatly eclipses our universal identity as Bnei Adam. . . .
A prayer for Israeli-Palestinian solidarity to mitigate the danger that comes when our particular identities greatly eclipse our universal identity as Bnei Adam. . . .
Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., English vernacular prayer, human solidarity, interconnectedness, interdependence, Israeli–Palestinian conflict, Israelis and Palestinians, Jewish particularism, particularism and universalism, תחינות teḥinot