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tag: Lurianic Kabbalah Sorted Chronologically (old to new). Sort most recent first? בְּנֵי הֵיכָלָא | Bnei Heikhala, a piyyut for Shabbat afternoon by Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi)A piyyut by the ARI for the afternoon of Shabbat in Aramaic set side-by-side with Reb Zalman’s paraliturgical, devotional translation. . . . Categories: Se'udah haShlishit אֲזַמֵּר בִּשְׁבָחִין | Azamer biShvaḥin, a piyyut for Friday evening by Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi)The Friday evening shabbat piyyut, Atqinu Seudata, in Aramaic set side-by-side with Reb Zalman’s paraliturgical, devotional translation. . . . Categories: Se'udat Leil Shabbat אֲסַדֵּר לִסְעוּדָתָא | Asader liS’udata, a piyyut for Shabbat morning by Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi)A piyyut by the ARI for the day of Shabbat in Aramaic set side-by-side with Reb Zalman’s paraliturgical, devotional translation. . . . Categories: Se'udat Yom Shabbat Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz (1565-1630), known as the Shlah from the name of his chief work (Shnei Luḥot HaBrit – The Two Tablets of the Covenant), was a rabbi in Central and Eastern Europe and later Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Jerusalem. This text is an excerpt from his kabbalistic prayer book, Siddur Shaar haShamayim (Gate of Heaven), which deals with the Shma prayer. . . . Categories: the Shema תפילה הנשיא | Yehi Ratson for the first twelve days of the month of Nisan, by Rabbi Yosef Yaakov Sabatka of Dubno (ca. late 17th c.)During the first twelve days of Nissan, there is a custom to read the portions about the twelve tribal princes who brought offerings and gifts to the holy Sanctuary. Miraculously without consulting with each other, they each brought the same gifts, but with different intentions. When we read these offerings followed by this prayer, our souls can connect to these tribes, even though we may not descend from these tribes directly (genealogically-speaking). . . . Categories: Rosh Ḥodesh Nisan (נִיסָן) תפילה לפני שחיטה | Prayer before Kosher Slaughter, by Eliyah ben Shlomo Avraham haKohen (Sefer Shevet Musar, 1712)This is a kavvanah for kosher slaughterers to say prior to the blessing over sheḥitah, first published in the early 18th century, and composed within the school of the ARI z”l. . . . תְּפִילַּת ט״וּ בִּשְׁבָט | The Prayer for Tu biShvat from the Seder Pri Ets Hadar, adapted by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)This prayer for Tu biShvat, derived from the prayer included with the seder for Tu biShvat, the Pri Ets Hadar, are based on the Ḳabbalah of the four worlds and the ancient idea that everything physical is an image of the spiritual. . . . Categories: Rosh haShanah la-Ilanot (Tu biShvat) | ||
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