Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, z”l, included his translation of the shaḥarit blessing before the Shema “Yotser Ohr” in his Siddur Tehillat Hashem Yidaber Pi (2009). . . .
Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., angelology, ascent, blessings prior to the shema, cosmology, devotional interpretation, English Translation, interpretive translation, invisible sun, non-dual theology, יוצר אור yotser ohr
A profound song invoking divine presence. . . .
Tags: 18th century C.E., 56th century A.M., אנה אמצאך ana emtsaeka, creator within creation, חסידות Ḥasidut, הבדלות havdalot, Hebrew translation, non-dual theology, panentheism, תשובה teshuvah, Yiddish songs, זמירות zemirot
A Hebrew translation of the lyrics to Harry Nilsson’s “One” (1967) as sung by Aimee Mann (1995) . . .
Tags: 20th century C.E., 58th century A.M., counting songs, English vernacular prayer, דע לפני מי אתה עומד Know Before Whom You Stand, loneliness, love-sickness, love your fellow as yourself, non-dual theology, פיוטים piyyuṭim, Prayers as poems, שכינה Shekhinah, זמירות zemirot
A meditation on a unique prayer heard by Rabbi Dr. David Weiss Halivni at the Rosh Hashanah services at the Wolfsberg Labor Camp in 1944. . . .