A kavvanah for focusing one’s intention before working with the soil of Erets Yisrael. . . .
Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., Early Religious Zionist, ארץ ישראל Erets Yisrael, farming, Prayers for Planting, Prayers of Jewish Farmers, Problematic prayers, Shami, Yemenite Aliyah, Yemenite Jewry
This is the תפילת הנוטע (Prayer for Planting [trees]) by Rabbi Ben-Zion Meir Ḥai Uziel. . . .
Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., Early Religious Zionist, ארץ ישראל Erets Yisrael, JNF, KKL, planting trees, Prayers for Planting, קקל Ḳeren Ḳayemet l'Yisrael (ḲḲL), תחינות teḥinot, Zionist Arbor Day Prayers
A prayer for planting a tree or trees. . . .
This is the prayer for planting trees by the late chief rabbi of Haifa, Eliyahu Yosef She’ar Yashuv Cohen zt”l (1927-2016). . . .
This prayer for planting was composed by Zeev Kainan for Tu biShvat (2018) for the Masorti Movement for Conservative Judaism in Israel. . . .