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תהלים קמ״ב | Psalms 142, a maskil with translations in English and Arabic

בִּרְכָּת גָּאַל יִשְׂרָאֵל | Emet v’Emunah, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

עֶזְרַת אֲבוֹתֵינוּ | 我们祖先的助手 | Ezrat Avoteinu (Wǒmen zǔxiān de zhùshǒu) — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)

אֱמֶת וְיַצִּיב | 真实且确定 | Emet v’Yatsiv (Zhēnshí qiě quèdìng) and Al haRishonim (Duìyú dì yī gè) — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)

לְמַעַנְךָ וְלֹא לָנוּ | l’Maankha v’lo lanu (For your sake, not for ours), a piyyut by an unknown paytan (trans. Rabbi David Aaron de Sola, 1857)

רִבּוֹן הָעוֹלָמִים לֹא עַל־צִדְקוֹתֵֽינוּ | Ribon ha-Olamim, not in the merit of our righteousness — a variation from the Seder Tefilot of Maimonides, MS Constantinople 1509

דיזי שיני נייאי תפילה | Dize sheyne naye tfile (This Beautiful New Prayer), by the typesetter Gele bat Moshe v’Freyde (1710)

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ לְפִדְיוֹן שְׁבוּיִם | Mi sheBerakh for the redemption of those in captivity (or whose whereabouts are unknown)

תפילת ”על הנסים“ חדשה ליום י״ז בתמוז | Al Hanissim for 17 Tamuz, by Rav Ḥanan Schlesinger

חֲנִינָא בֶּן דּוֹסָא | Ḥanina ben Dosa, a song by Asher Hillel Burstein