A prayer, inspired by Tefilat haDerekh and other traditional liturgical texts, for a Jew who, at some future point, would be about to go forth on a starship. Doesn’t include a chatimah so as not to be a brakhah levatalah, in the case that starships are (chas v’shalom) never invented. . . .
Tags: 24th century C.E., 62nd century A.M., ascent, בלי־מה bli-mah, ההיכלות ויורדי המרכבה haHeikhalot v'Yordei haMerkavah, Jacob's Ladder, Jews of Star Trek, Leonard Nimoy z"l, Leonard Nimoy Day (26 March), North America, sic itur ad astra, space travel, spaceship, spaceship Earth, starship, תפילת הדרך tefilat haderekh, the Chariot, traveling without moving, where no earthling has gone before