The text of parashat v’Zot haBrakhah, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, פרשת וזאת הברכה parashat vZot haBrakhah, שיר Shir, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav
The text of parashat Haazinu, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, פרשת האזינו parashat Haazinu, שיר Shir, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav
The text of parashat Vayelekh, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, פרשת נצבים parashat Nitsavim, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav, וילך Vayelekh
The text of parashat Nitsavim, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, blessings, choose life, curses, let's review, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, פרשת נצבים parashat Nitsavim, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav, וילך Vayelekh
The text of parashat Ki Tavo, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., amen, annual Torah reading cycle, anti-predatory, blessings, curses, let's review, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, predation, predatory gaze, predatory nature, redaction criticism, sexual predation, פרשת כי־תבוא parashat Ki Tavo, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav, צער באלי חיים tsa'ar baalei ḥayyim
The text of parashat Ki Tetsei, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, anti-predatory, let's review, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, predation, predatory gaze, predatory nature, redaction criticism, sexual predation, פרשת כי־תצא parashat Ki Tetsei, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav, צער באלי חיים tsa'ar baalei ḥayyim
The text of parashat shoftim, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, bal tashḥit, judges, kings, let's review, mythopoesis, נביאות nevi'ut, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, predation, redaction criticism, פרשת שפטים parashat Shoftim, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav, tithing
The text of parashat R’éh, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, כשרות kashrut, let's review, mythopoesis, נביאות nevi'ut, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, predation, redaction criticism, פרשת ראה parashat R'éh, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav, tithing
The text of parashat Éqev, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, egel hazahav, עקב Éqev, golden calf, let's review, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, שמע shemaŋ, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav, theophany
The text of parashat va’Etḥanan, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, Decalogue, let's review, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, שבת נחמו Shabbat Naḥamu, שמע shemaŋ, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav, theophany, ואתחנן va'Etḥanan
The text of parashat Devarim, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, דברים Devarim, let's review, midbar quest, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, שבת חזון Shabbat Ḥazon, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav
The text of parashat Matot, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, מטות Matot, Midian, mythopoesis, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, redaction criticism, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav
The text of parashat Pinḥas, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . .
Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, the daughters of Tselofḥad, Midian, mythopoesis, Naming names, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, פינחס Pinḥas, redaction criticism, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav