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💬 Haftarot from Jeremiah for the First Two of the Three Weeks of Mourning with their Spanish translations from a compilation by Rabbi Isaac Lopez (Jamaica, ca. 1843)

נחמו נחמו עמי | Naḥamu, Naḥamu Ami (Comfort, comfort, my people), a piyyut for Tishah b’Aḇ

הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | The Prayer for the Safety of Kings, Princes and Commonwealths, presented by Menasseh ben Israel to Oliver Cromwell (1655)

הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Prosperity of his Royal Majesty, delivered by Rabbi Jacob Jehudah Leon Templo to King Charles Ⅱ (1675)

💬 הפטרת שבת חזון | Aftarát Shabbat Ḥazon, with verse-by-verse translation in Early Modern Spanish

📖 (מנהג הספרדים)‎‏ Orden de las Oraciones de Ros Ashanah y Kipur (Spanish translation by Ḥakham Ishak Nieto, 1740)

📖 (מנהג הספרדים)‎‏ Prayers for Shabbath, Rosh-Hashanah, and [Yom] Kippur (translated by Isaac Pinto, 1766)

📖 (מנהג הספרדים)‎‏ Orden de las Oraciones Cotidianas Ros Hodes Hanuca y Purim (Spanish translation by Ḥakham Ishak Nieto, 1771)

A Jewish Prayer for Peace between England and her Colonies on a public day of fasting and prayer, 17 May 1776

תפילה לשלום המלכות | Prayer for the Welfare of George Washington, George Clinton, and the Thirteen States of America by Hendla Jochanan van Oettingen (1784)

💬 מְגִלַּת וָשִׁעְתּוֹן | Megillat Washiŋton — a Purim Sheni scroll for 🇺🇸 Thanksgiving Day by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (1790, 2018)

Prayer for the Government in honor of George Washington, First President of the United States of America by Ḳ.Ḳ. Beit Shalome (1789)

Bénissons, a French table song for the Birkat haMazon (ca. 18th c.)

💬 הפטרת תשעה באב | Aftarát Tishŋa b’Aḇ, with verse-by-verse translation in Early Modern Spanish

📖 סדור התפלות (מנהג הספרדים)‏ | Seder haTefilot: The Order of the Daily Prayers in Hebrew and English According to the Custom of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews, compiled and translated by David Levi (2nd ed. 1810)

📖 סדור שפתי צדיקים (מנהג הספרדים)‏ | Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim (The Form of Prayers) vol. 1: Seder haTefilot miKol haShanah (1837)

📖 סדור שפתי צדיקים (מנהג הספרדים)‏ | Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim (The Form of Prayers) vol. 2: Seder haTefilot l’Rosh haShanah (1837)

📖 סדור שפתי צדיקים (מנהג הספרדים)‏ | Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim (The Form of Prayers) vol. 4: Seder haTefilot l’Ḥag haSukkot (1837)

📖 סדור שפתי צדיקים (מנהג הספרדים)‏ | Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim (The Form of Prayers) vol. 5: Seder haTefilot l’Pesaḥ u’l’Shavuot (1837)

📖 סדור שפתי צדיקים (מנהג הספרדים)‏ | Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim (The Form of Prayers) vol. 3: Seder haTefilot l’Yom haKipurim (1838)

📖 סדור שפתי צדיקים (מנהג הספרדים)‏ | Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim (The Form of Prayers) vol. 6: Seder haTefilot laTaaniyot (1838)

Prayer after the Earthquake in Guadeloupe, by Rabbi Isaac Lopez (Jamaica, 1843)

מזמור לתודה לכבוד משה איש האלהים | A Thanksgiving in Commemoration of Moses Maimonides, an octocentennial prayer by Ḥakham Shem Tov Gaguine (Bevis Marks Synagogue, 27 May 1935)

הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Gebed voor het Koninklijk Huis | Prayer for the Royal Family of Queen Juliana and the city council of Amsterdam (ca. 1950)