תפילת דרך משולשת | A Kavvanah for Crossroads: Triple Prayer for the Road, by Yakov Green

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Date: 2011-03-29

Last Updated: 2025-03-24

Categories: Travel

Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., Beit Midrash Elul, choosing directions, prayers for the road, prayers for the way, ירושלם Jerusalem, ישראל Yisrael, תפילת הדרך tefilat haderekh

Excerpt: Yakov Green shares a short kavvanah (intention, meditation) which he wrote in Hebrew one morning at Beit Midrash Elul in Jerusalem. He later translated it into English. תפילת דרך משולשת | Triple Prayer for the Road . . .

Hebrew English
כשאני נתקל בצומת, אני מתפלל
שאבחר בדרך נכונה.
When I encounter a crossroads, I pray
To choose a correct path.
כשאני בוחר בדרך, אני מתפלל
שהיא תוביל אותי למקום נכון.
When I choose a path, I pray
It will lead me to a correct place.
כשאני מגיע לסוף דרך, אני מתפלל
שלא יהיה סוף לדרך.‏
When I reach a path’s end, I pray
The path will have no end.

Yakov Green shared the short kavvanah (intention, meditation) which he wrote in Hebrew one morning[1] Written Wednesday, March 23, 2011   at Beit Midrash Elul in Jerusalem. He later translated it into English.


1 Written Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Contributor: Yakov Green


Featured Image:
Crossroads (Image: Crossroads by aturkus; CC-BY 2.0)
Title: Crossroads (Image: Crossroads by aturkus; CC-BY 2.0)