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open_content_license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International copyleft licenseDate: 2022-10-03
Last Updated: 2025-02-06
Categories: Yom Kippur
Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., Aseret Yemei Tshuvah, commentary as prayer, d'var t'fillah, English vernacular prayer, paraliturgical avinu malkeinu, Prayers as poems, אבינו מלכינו avinu malkeinu, שבת תשובה Shabbat Teshuvah
Excerpt: The words of Avinu Malkeinu are a little different from the standard translation. It doesn't say in Hebrew, "we have no good deeds" (ein lanu ma'asim tovim), but rather, "there are no deeds in us" (ein banu ma'asim). The p'shat (literal meaning) implies that whatever we have done in the past does not have to live inside of us -- we can release our deeds and be released from them, fully, to start over, like a newborn, to become whoever we need to become. . . .
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“Avinu Malkeinu” —
It says, no deeds
not good-bad, not beautiful-ugly no trace of the past in us to constrain, condone, condemn our forward path, not regret, not mistakes, not strife, nor failure or triumph, ki ein banu ma’asim. |
What-for-ever in us is is the now, the aha
of one instant — just! |
So here, bring your lovely-most self
nothing else to meet-greet the unladen year. |
Clear the channel; become hollow
as a bone. |
What you are
becoming now here, for the Source of Life: a wellspring of tsedaqah and ḥesed, of righteous love, a fountain of blessing. |
“Avinu Malkeinu” by Rabbi David Seidenberg, versified paraliturgical commentary on the prayer Avinu Malkenu, was first offered on Shabbat Tshuva in 2022 (5783).
Contributor: David Seidenberg
Featured Image:
Title: Eli Wallach in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly – cemetery scene (dir. Sergio Leone 1966)
Caption: Eli Wallach (1915-2014), z"l, as "The Ugly" in THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY (dir. Sergio Leone, 1966) - cemetery scene