Call of the Shema, a prayer-poem by Todd Greenberg

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Date: 2023-08-02

Last Updated: 2025-03-29

Categories: the Shema

Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., English vernacular prayer, Prayers as poems, כוונות kavvanot, שמע shemaŋ

Excerpt: This prayer/poem ['Call of the Shema'] came out of Rabbi Greene’s (Rabbi of Cong. Har Hashem in Boulder, Colarado) sermon this past Friday and our Torah Study discussion Saturday morning on Parashat Eikev. . . .

Contribute a translation Source (English)
May you listen to the call of the Shema
with open heart and mind
as you navigate towards the One
May your encounters unite you towards
Eḥad as your life’s journey’s
moves you closer to the All
We hear Jacob became Israel
for he has striven with beings divine and human
God was in this place and he didn’t know it
With much struggle Jacob reunited with Esau
yet still troubled saw God in his face
In embrace they wept
With much struggle we move towards the One
With much strife we move to become United
We weep and take the next steps
As we limp along towards the One
may our Angels protect us, may God lead us
In Shema we hear
In Eḥad we unite
In Life we act
“God One”

Todd Greenberg writes, “This prayer/poem [‘Call of the Shema’] came out of Rabbi Greene’s (Rabbi of Cong. Har Hashem in Boulder, Colarado) sermon this past Friday and our Torah Study discussion Saturday morning on Parashat Eikev.”


Contributor: Todd Greenberg


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Title: One-point_perspective_TW
Caption: 中文(臺灣):One-point perspective (credit: johnsonwang6688, license: CC BY-SA)