📖 Evening Service for the Sabbath from the Union Prayer Book, Newly Revised (CCAR 1924)

Source Link: https://opensiddur.org/?p=52798

open_content_license: Creative Commons Zero (CC 0) Universal license a Public Domain dedication

Date: 2023-09-27

Last Updated: 2023-09-27

Categories: Shabbat Siddurim

Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., American Reform Movement

Excerpt: Evening Service for the Sabbath from the Union Prayer Book, Newly Revised (CCAR 1924), a Reform movement prayerbook disseminated by Congregation Emanu-El in New York City in 1924, was the first publication of the "Newly Revised" edition of the Union Prayerbook, published as a complete prayerbook in 1940. . . .


Evening Service for the Sabbath from the Union Prayer Book, Newly Revised (CCAR 1924), a Reform movement prayerbook disseminated by Congregation Emanu-El in New York City in 1924, was the first publication of the “Newly Revised” edition of the Union Prayerbook, published as a complete prayerbook in 1940.


This work is in the Public Domain due to its having been published more than 95 years ago.


Contributor: Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR)


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Evening Service for the Sabbath from the Union Prayer Book Newly Revised (CCAR 1924) – title
Title: Evening Service for the Sabbath from the Union Prayer Book Newly Revised (CCAR 1924) – title
Caption: Evening Service for the Sabbath from the Union Prayer Book Newly Revised (CCAR 1924) - title