Prayer for Israel at Temple Micah's Lunch & Learn, by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff (11 October 2023)

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Date: 2023-10-11

Last Updated: 2024-06-01

Categories: Terror, War

Tags: 2023 Israel–Hamas war, 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., English vernacular prayer

Excerpt: This prayer by Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff was offered at the Temple Micah, Lunch and Learn, on 11 Oct 2023. . . .

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Adonai eloheinu vaylohei avoteinu
Lord our God and God of generations past.
As we break bread, give thanks for food
We pause to pray for those who hunger still:
For food, of course, for all those starving for a bite of bread,
But for healing, too,
For hope, for peace, for less bloodshed and less fear
As war now wages between Hamas and Yisrael,
We pray for all those wounded and afraid,
For those with broken bodies, broken families, broken hearts,
For all those mourning loved ones lost,
For all those missing,
While friends and families yearn for news:
Who has died, and who is still alive?
Almighty God
Help us, hear us, heal us, we pray.
Let this war end and terror – terrorism –
Terrorism from Hamas – at the very least –
threaten us no more.
May we find the courage and the strength
to keep faith that the future will be better than the past.
Oseh shalom bimromav
Hu yaaseh shalom aleinu v’al kol Yisrael.

Oh God who makes peace in the Heavens
Make peace for us and all the people Israel,
V’al yoshvei tevel – and for all the inhabitants of the earth.
Vayomer – and may we say…Amen.

This prayer by Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff was offered at the Temple Micah, Lunch and Learn, on 11 Oct 2023.


Contributor: Arnold E. Resnicoff


Featured Image:
Title: Mehane_Yehuda_Market,_Jerusalem,_Israel_(16036231918)
Caption: Mehane Yehuda Market, Jerusalem, Israel (credit: yeowatzup; license: CC BY)