A Prayer for Clergy, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor

Source Link: https://opensiddur.org/?p=53115

open_content_license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International copyleft license

Date: 2023-10-21

Last Updated: 2024-06-01

Categories: Congregation & Community, Labor, Fulfillment, and Parnasah

Tags: 2023 Israel–Hamas war, 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., English vernacular prayer, Gratitude

Excerpt: This prayer for rabbis, cantors, educators, and other congregational workers was offered by Rabbi Menachem Creditor and shared by the author through the Open Siddur Project discussion group on Facebook, 20 October 2023. . . .

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Holy One,
thank you for those who serve
as our religious leaders.
Bless those who stand in the breach,
tend to our hidden wounds,
channel the riches of our tradition,
remind us where we come from
and how to imagine a brighter path forward.
May the hearts of those
who hold ours in their tender embrace
be held in turn by You,
but please, Holy One,
remind us to be kind
to those who humbly work
to stand as messengers, conduits,
vessels, of Your Gentleness.
Bless the families and beloved friends of our clergy,
who hold them in quieter spaces,
often unseen,
often absorbing some of the heaviness
as they care for the caregivers among us.
May we find strength together,
knowing we truly are one,
called to stand together in support of one another,
especially those who dedicate their lives
to teaching this affirming sacred message.

This prayer for rabbis, cantors, educators, and other congregational workers was offered by Rabbi Menachem Creditor and shared by the author through the Open Siddur Project discussion group on Facebook, 20 October 2023.


Contributor: Menachem Creditor


Featured Image:
Synagogue mosaic featuring a temple facade at Mosaic floor from the Samaritan Synagogue at Khirbet Samara
Title: Synagogue mosaic featuring a temple facade at Mosaic floor from the Samaritan Synagogue at Khirbet Samara
Caption: Synagogue mosaic featuring a temple facade at Mosaic floor from the Samaritan Synagogue at Khirbet Samara