Prayer for Release of the Hostages, Surcease from the Bombs — by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (2024)

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Date: 2024-06-27

Last Updated: 2025-03-27

Categories: War

Tags: 2023-2024 Israel–Hamas war, 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., English vernacular prayer, Israeli–Palestinian conflict

Excerpt: A prayerful expression of an essay written by the author "Gam Zu v'Gam Zu, Weeping with all who Grieve," published in the online Reconstructionist journal, Evolve. . . .

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B’rikh Raḥmanah Malka d’alma,
Blessed are you, Compassionate One, Sovereign of all worlds,
whose embrace encompasses all.
Help us to find our way
in this shattering time.
Open our hearts
to hold and to weep with all who grieve,
gam zu v’gam zu, this and also this,
learning to hold diverse realities
as part of a greater whole.
Let not grief become a source of revenge,
not for Israelis or Jews joined in common bond,
holding the pain and horror of October 7th;
and not for Palestinians, Muslims and Christians near and far,
holding the pain and horror of Gaza’s suffering ever since.
May the bombs stop falling and the hostages return from the agony of their captivity,
borders opened for delivery of food and life-saving aid,
broken hearts and broken people
joined across the divides of our own making.
Give us the courage to hope,
to turn from the ways of hate to the ways of love,
seeing through tears your image in each one.
With plowshares from swords newly fashioned,
may we learn to till the trauma strewn fields of each people’s pain
until flowers bloom.
Help us to turn away from war and its futility
that we might yet bring our peoples near to each other
and to you, Compassionate One,
and from out of the shattering
to build together peace, shalom, salaam….

This is a prayerful expression of an essay I wrote a few months ago called “Gam Zu v’Gam Zu, Weeping with all who Grieve,” published in the online journal, Evolve.


Contributor: Victor Reinstein


Featured Image:
Field of Dreams (Marilyn Peddle, CC BY)
Title: Field of Dreams (Marilyn Peddle, CC BY)
Caption: "Field of Dreams" (credit: Marilyn Peddle, license: CC BY)