תפילה (ישראלית) לפני הכניסה לקלפי (למאמין וללא מאמין)‏ | Prayer before entering the voting booth in Israel (for believers and non-believers)

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Date: 2013-03-18

Last Updated: 2024-06-01

Categories: Elections & Voting, Yom Habḥirut

Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., democratic process, Parliamentary Election, מדינת ישראל Medinat Yisrael, Needing Vocalization

Excerpt: May it be the will [before the Lord our God and the God of our ancestors] that this ticket which I am placing in my ballot will join thousands of other tickets that will promise reasoned leadership that will strengthen democratic values, aspire towards peace with our neighbors, separate religion and state, be concerned with the weak and protect the laborers, fight corruption and exercise leadership through personal role modeling. May it be the will [before the Lord our God and the God of our ancestors] that the nation sitting in Zion will merit years of freedom, quiet, productivity, education and good health and that our children may never fear at all. . . .


Source (Hebrew) Translation (English)
יהי רצון [מלפניך יהוה אלהינו ואלהי אבותנו ואמותנו] 
שהפתק אשר שם אנכי בקלפי
יצטרף לעוד אלפי פתקים
שיבטיחו מנהיגות שפויה
שתחזק את הערכים הדמוקרטיים,
תשאף לשלום עם שכנינו,
תפריד דת ומדינה,
תדאג לחלשים
ותגן על העובדים,
תילחם בשחיתות
ותנהיג באמצעות הדוגמא האישית.
May it be the will [before YHVH our elo’ah the elo’ah of our ancestors] 
that this ticket which I am placing in my ballot
will join thousands of other tickets
that will promise reasoned leadership
that will strengthen democratic values,
aspire towards peace with our neighbors,
separate religion and state,
be concerned with the weak
and protect the laborers,
fight corruption
and exercise leadership through personal role modeling.
ויהי רצון [מלפניך יהוה אלהינו ואלהי אבותנו ואמותנו] 
שהעם היושב בציון
יזכה לשנים של חופש,
ובריאות טובה
ושילדינו לא יפחדו כלל.‏
May it be the will [before YHVH our elo’ah the elo’ah of our ancestors] 
that the nation sitting in Tsiyon
will merit years of freedom,
and good health
and that our children may never fear at all.

Prayer by Chaim Hames. Translation by Jonah Rank.

Contributor: חיים היימס-עזרא


Featured Image:
Title: 963px-VotingInIsrael1
Caption: "Voting in Israel" – Josef Tal is helped by his granddaughter (2003 polls). Photographed in a Jerusalem school. (credit: Etan J. Tal, license: CC BY)