Saturday Afternoon Request, by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat

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Date: 2013-06-21

Last Updated: 2025-02-18

Categories: Minḥah l'Shabbat

Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., dreaming, English poetry, English vernacular prayer, eros, Prayers as poems, quiet, Return to Eden, תחינות teḥinot

Excerpt: A prayer-poem supplication for the afternoon of Shabbat. . . .

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Help me to silence
my mind’s aggravation alarm,
to quiet the voice which says
the to-do list matters,
to temporarily eschew
continuous partial attention.

Open me to long slow conversations
on the sunlit grass, to the beat
of the hand-drummers who accompany
the singing of psalms, to a boat
lazily drifting on the glassy surface
of my heart’s own pond.

You’re waiting for me
like a lover, eager
to embrace me again.
Remind me: this is the way
back to Eden, the bloom
on the thirteen-petaled rose.

Contributor: Rachel Barenblat


Featured Image:
naptime 2 by leetoop (CC-BY-SA)
Title: naptime 2 by leetoop (CC-BY-SA)
Caption: "naptime 2" (credit: leetoop, license: CC-BY-SA)