Inauguration Day Benediction for President John F. Kennedy by Rabbi Dr. Nelson Glueck (1961)

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Date: 2015-01-21

Last Updated: 2025-02-18

Categories: 🇺🇸 Inauguration Day (January 20th), Coronations & Inaugurations

Tags: 20th century C.E., 58th century A.M., democratic process, English vernacular prayer, United States

Excerpt: This benediction for President John F. Kennedy by Rabbi Dr. Nelson Glueck, was recorded in the United States’ Congressional Record on January 20, 1961. . . .

Hebrew English

We turn to Thee, O God,
in deepest gratitude
on this exalting day of reaffirmation
of our Nation’s ideals and unity,
and of personal avowal
of sacred obligation
by our President,
in Thy name.

Mayest Thou, O God,
to whom alone belong the dominion and the power,
be his stay and support
in the fulfillment of his awesome trust,
to insure the unfettered implementation
of the spirit and letter of our Constitution
for all the inhabitants of our land,
to provide them in law and in fact
equal opportunities of learning
and labor
and well-being,
to safeguard the physical and moral integrity
of our beloved Commonwealth,
founded on faith in Thee.

O Thou, who art the source of all life,
quicken his heart always
with the awareness of Thy presence,
and especially in the lonely moments
of fateful decisions
which may be his to make
for us
and our world.

Guard and guide him in Thy loving kindness,
that through his leadership
hunger may be stilled,
hurts healed,
hope sustained,
the weak and the worn assisted,
human dignity and decency up-held,
the blight of war and the specter of annihilation banished,
and peace in freedom prevail
among all Thy children everywhere,
with none to make them afraid.

In profound humility, O God,
we pray that Thy blessing may rest
upon our President
and all associated with him
in our Government,
which we the people have set in authority,
upon everyone
and everything
dear and precious to him and us,
as we repeat the ever new words
of the ancient prayer
in sacred writ:
יברכך יי
May the Lord bless thee
and keep thee.
יאר יי פניו אליך
May the Lord cause His countenance to shine upon thee
and be gracious unto thee,
ישא יי פניו אליך
וישם לך שלום:
May the Lord lift up His countenance unto thee
and grant thee peace.[1] Numbers 6:23–27  

This benediction for President John F. Kennedy by Rabbi Dr. Nelson Glueck, was recorded in the United States’ Congressional Record on January 20, 1961.


Inauguration Day Benediction for President John F. Kennedy by Rabbi Dr. Nelson Glueck (1961)


1 Numbers 6:23–27

Contributor: Nelson Glueck


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Title: Jfk_inauguration