📄 Israelite Samaritan Devotional Prayers for Weekdays and Shabbat, translated by Benyamim Sedaka

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Date: 2016-10-25

Last Updated: 2025-02-18

Categories: Samaritan Prayerbooks

Tags: Israelite-Samaritan, Needing Transcription, Nusaḥ haSamerim, Needing Decompilation, Needing Source Images

Excerpt: Benyamim Sedaka's English translations of devotional prayers for weekdays and Shabbat . . .


Praise to the Almighty

Recited on weekdays and Shabbat

The Eloowwem of Abraahm (Abraham) we bless You
For You are the First and blessed of the world.
The Eloowwem of Yesaaq (Isaac) we praise.
Israel, among all nations, praises You.
The Eloowwem of Yaaqob (Jacob) we will glorify You
For You control the Heavens and Your goodness on Earth.
The Eloowwem of Yusef (Joseph) we will surrender to You
The Angels praised You and mankind revered You.
The Eloowwem of Mooshe (Moses) we are grateful and bow to You
And so we beseech:
I have spoken today to Shehmaa.

Devotional Prayer for the morning of the first and third shabbat of the month

If there are five Shabbats in the month recite this prayer on the first and fourth Shabbat.

Written by an unknown writer at the beginning of the second millennium CE.

The Holy, The Worthy, You showed us holiness and revealed Your choices
You ordained Shabbat for rest, and a Book of Life for wisdom, worth and
And You have built for us an altar where we can bow before You
That we may know You are our Creator, Eloowwem and Master.
You, the Merciful, help us with Your mercy
You, the Merciful, absolve us with Your kindness.
Come to us and and let our forsaken peoples return to us
And gather all our brothers among the Israelites
And return them to the land of our Forefathers
And open our hearts so that we may love You
With all our heart, our soul and our might
By You and Your Name and Your Honour, Shehmaa our Eloowwem
And the covenant of Abraahm and Yessaq and Yaaqob the obedient, our Forefathers
And Yoosef, and our master Mooshe the Prophet
And Aarron and Elaazar, and Itamar and Phinhas, our priests
And the other servants in the fellowship of the Ark of Your Name and honour
Bestow Your peace on them all, Shehmaa our Eloowwem.
Forgive our sins and transgressions and comfort us
Forgive us and forgive our fathers
We give thanks for the sake of Your loyal Priest and Prophet.
Soften Your anger with us and grant us mercy and goodwill
And goodness and tranquility for all time
Our Eloowwem the Compassionate and Gracious.

Devotional Prayer for the the second and fourth Shabbat in the month.

If there are five Shabbats in the month, this prayer will be recited on the second, third and fifth Shabbat.

Written by an unknown writer at the beginning of the second millennium CE.

The Holy, The Worthy, You showed us holiness and revealed Your choices
You ordained Shabbat for rest, and a Book of Life for wisdom, worth and praise
And You have built for us an altar where we can bow before You
That we may know You are our Creator, Eloowwem and Master.
Merciful One, support us with Your mercy
Merciful One, bestow Your blessing on Your houses and over all our labours
Merciful One, remove every oppression and anger and obstacle from us
Merciful One, vanquish all who would overpower us
Merciful One, contain our fears
Merciful One, heal our infirmities
Merciful One, let our children multiply
Merciful One, rebuild our holy sites
Merciful One, show mercy to our dead
Merciful One, make this Shabbat and every Shabbat doubly blessed for us
Give justice and mercy to us and to our fathers
With Your full kindness
For the sake of Mooshe your Prophet
Soften Your anger, as You are wont to do
Act with goodwill and compassion at all times
Our Eloowwem the Compassionate and Gracious.

Recite immediately after the above devotional prayers

In devotion, truth and love we all say:
Praise to You our Eloowwem, The Living One
You have rescued our Forefathers with Your great might
And You have called them to Your Name
And consecrated them to be Your people and servants
And You revealed to them Your laws and brought to them Your handwritten book.
Forget not Your promises to Abraahm, Yessaq and Yaaqob, Your servants.
The Living One, accept us, though our power cannot compare with Your power
And no one among us can describe Your greatness and Your might.
Your Book is wisdom, composed of Your light.
The Mighty, who created all the world with Your might
There is nothing but Your greatness and everything done by Your might
And You, Yourself Everlasting and governing all Your deeds
And You Eloowwem, who in wisdom knows the visible and the invisible.
And there is no Eloowwem but You
Praise to You the Only One, You are the Ruler of all rulers
And we shall not learn, except from Your revered wisdom
All belongs to You, and we surrender to You and in Your light we labour
Great One: from You we ask forgiveness for our sins
Good One: we are grateful to You and bow down to You
The Mighty
The Victorious
The Holy
The Ruler

Include the following on the Shabbat of the Ten Days of Forgiveness)
The Great One
The Heroic One
The Awesome One
The Wonderful
The Helper
The Rescuer
The Immanent
The One Who Hears All Requests

(Recite the following epilogue every Shabbat)
My Master, we praise You and serve You all our days and will say to You
Bless You
Blessed will be our Eloowwem forever
Blessed will be His Name forever

The Opening Words of Each Prayer: The Devotion of the Soul

(To be whispered as the worshipper faces east, [in India, Russia and Ukraine: face southwest], bowing down, forehead touching the ground between the hands, which should be flat on the ground)

מָרִי אֶשָׁאֶלָךּ ࠤבְּרֶֽחמֶּיךּ תֶקַבֶּל מֶנָן,
וּתִסְלַח לָן חֶטָאִינָן,
בָּֽעמָל הַצָּדֶיק נֶבִיאנָן וַבְּזֶכּוֹת אָרָשִׁיָנן,
דֲאתָּה אֶלַֽהנָן
וֶאלַה אָבָּהתָן.
אֶֽהיִּה אֶֽשָׁר אֶֽהיִּה.
מָרִי לָא נֶסְגָד לַֽעלָם אִלָּא לָךּ,
וּלָא נָאמֶן אִלָּא בָּךּ,
וּבָּמֻשִׁה נִבְּיָאךּ,
וּבַּכְּתָבָּךּ הַקָשֶׁט,
וּבָּאתָר סֶגִידָּתָךּ הָרְגָרִזֶים בִּית אֶל.
My Lord, I ask that You, with Your Mercy
Will take from us and forgive us our sins
In honour of the Righteous, our Prophet and our Forefathers
For You are our Eloowwem
And the Eloowwem of our Forefathers.
Ehyyee Eshar Ehyyee (I Will Be What I Will Be).
My Lord, we will not bow down but to You
And we will not believe but in You
And in Your prophet Moses
And in Your Holy Book
And in Your site of worship, Aargaarizem (Mount Gerizim), the House of El.
יקום ויעמד במימר:
Now the worshipper stands and says out loud)
הָר הַמָּנֻוַּחה וַהנָּחלַה וַהשֶּׁכִּינַה,
The Mountain of rest and inheritance and dwelling.

(Remain standing and whisper):

וַבְּיוֹם נֶקָם וּשַׁלֶּם.
אֶֽהיִּה אֶֽשָׁר אֶֽהיִּה,
יהוה אֶלֻהִינוּ
יהוה ࠖאַחד,
ࠤלְבַּדּוּ כִּי רָבּ טֽוּבּוּ וִחסְדוּ.
And on the Day of Vengeance and Recompense
I will be what I will be, Shehmaa our Eloowwem
Shehmaa is One
He is the only One
How great is His goodness and kindness.
I am standing before You at Your gate of mercy
Shehmaa my Eloowwem and Eloowwem of my Forefathers
To praise You and the essence of Your greatness
Weak, with my inferior power
I know today and say unto my heart
That You are Shehmaa Eloowwem
Up in heaven and on earth below, there is no One but You.
Therefore I am standing between Your Hands
And turning my face towards the chosen place
Hargerizim the House of El Looza
The Mountain of Your inheritance and dwelling
The temple You have made your home, Shehmaa
That Your hand established.
Shehmaa will reign and the world is witness
For Shehmaa is greater than all the gods.
Righteous and upright is He
Hence this prayer that gives life
And rises unseen before the Wise Invisible.
Where is the El who helps His worshippers but You?

(Then the worshipper raises his voice and says)
There is no Eloowwem but The One
Shehmaa our Eloowwem Shehmaa is One
There is no Eloowwem but The One

Our Eloowwem Shehmaa
The compassionate and gracious El
With countenance of limitless patience
Abounding in loving kindness and truth
Eloowwem will be praised.
There is no Eloowwem but The One.

(The worshipper bows his head to the ground, between his hands, which should be flat on the ground, then he will sit on the ground and relax)

Concluding Prayer

You May Read this Prayer at the End of Each Prayer

The Almighty will accept your prayers
And will answer your requests
And will hear the sound of your calls
And will bestow happiness on all of you
And He we will grant your favours
And your demands will be His desires,
And He will improve your words and sayings
And He will grant your request soon
In the days when prayers will be accepted
And requests answered
By the Almighty of gods, Greatest of all
Who encompasses the World
Who remembers promises and prayers
That are coming from holy hearts and pure mouths
To the high place touching the sky
Passing between groups of Angels
Standing before the Seat of Conflict.
Prosperity to all of you from there
Mercy and Kindness and Success to you
And to your congregations wherever they may be.

Benyamim Sedaka’s English translations of devotional prayers for weekdays and Shabbat were first published on the Israelite-Samaritan website, here. We intend to provide this translation side-by-side with the Israelite-Samaritan liturgical Hebrew as soon as we can. If you can read and transcribe Israelite-Samaritan, please contact us.

From the Samaritan Synagogue in Ḥolon in 2011:


Contributor: Benyamim Tsedaka


Featured Image:
Samaritan Community Sabbath Prayer (credit: Rami Tel Aviv)
Title: Samaritan Community Sabbath Prayer (credit: Rami Tel Aviv)