📖 Mirjam, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)

Source Link: https://opensiddur.org/?p=32503

open_content_license: Creative Commons Zero (CC 0) Universal license a Public Domain dedication

Date: 2020-06-22

Last Updated: 2025-02-02

Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers

Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., Hungarian Jewry, Jewish Women's Prayers, teḥinot in Magyar

Excerpt: A collection of prayers in Magyar for Jewish women composed by the rabbi of Veszprém, later, the chief rabbi of Buda. . . .


A collection of Magyar vernacular prayers for Jewish women published in in 1897, written by Arnold Kiss (1869-1940) when he was rabbi of Veszprém. Later, in 1901, he became chief rabbi of Buda. Our copy of Mirjam provided below is the 1904 edition. The publication was followed by a second collection for young Jewish girls, Noémi, published in 1906, also in Magyar.



A subsequent German edition of Mirjam was published in 1907.


This work is in the Public Domain due to its having been published more than 95 years ago.



Contributor: Arnold Kiss


Featured Image:
title page from Mirjam (Arnold Kiss 1904)
Title: title page from Mirjam (Arnold Kiss 1904)