הושענא להושענא רבה תשפ״א | Save Us! A Hoshana Prayer, by Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier for Hoshana Rabbah 2020

Source Link: https://opensiddur.org/?p=33879

open_content_license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International copyleft license

Date: 2020-10-09

Last Updated: 2024-06-01

Categories: Hoshana Rabbah, Epidemics & Pandemics

Tags: 2020 coronavirus pandemic, 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., acrostic, Alphabetic Acrostic, COVID-19 coronavirus, הושענות hoshanot, Needing Vocalization

Excerpt: A Hoshana prayer supplement for Hoshana Rabbah during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic in 2020. . . .

Hoshana Rabbah is a time for prayer, where we call out to God one final time, a last vestige of the Yamim Noraim, asking for Divine salvation. We recite a litany of Hoshana prayers, asking God to “Save Us” in the new year.

This year we need salvation more than ever, with all the challenges the world is facing. I hope people find this new Hoshana text helpful in formulating our requests this year.

Hebrew English
ארבע אמות רחוקים,
בביתם סגורים,
גדולים והמונים,
דלתות סגורים,
השמים צועקים,
ולבותם נשברים,
זה מזה רחוקים,
חבושים בבתים,
טף וזקנים,
יגונים ואבלים,
כתר לך נותנים,
לנפשם מפקחים,
מצוותיך נוטרים,
נפל גורלם בפורים,
סובלים ומעונים,
עליך הרוגים,
פיות לך מתפללים,
צדיקים וחסידים,
קדושים וישרים,
ראשם חפויים,
שמך מקדשים ומחללים,
תורתך שומרים.
four feet away;  
closed in their homes;  
great and many;  
closed doors;  
crying to the Heavens;  
and their hearts are broken;  
far from one another;  
locked in houses;  
children and elders;  
pained and mourning;  
giving you a Crown;  
protecting their lives;  
guarding your commandments;  
their lot sealed on Purim;  
suffering and deprived;  
killed for you;  
mouths praying to you;  
righteous and pious;  
holy and straight;  
their heads covered in grief;  
Your name they sanctify and desecrate;  
Your Torah they guard.  

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier’s “Hoshana Prayer for Hoshana Rabbah 2020” was first published on his Facebook page.

Contributor: Shlomo Zuckier


Featured Image:
Title: 768px-Aravot
Caption: Two aravot (willow) branches (credit: Bachrach44, license: CC BY-SA)