A Prayer for America's Veterans and Servicemembers on Veterans Day, by David Abernethy

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Date: 2022-10-24

Last Updated: 2025-03-29

Categories: 🇺🇸 Veterans Day (11 November)

Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., American Jewry of the United States, civic prayers, English vernacular prayer, United States

Excerpt: This is a brief prayer for America's veterans and service members on Veterans Day . . .

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Our God and God of our ancestors,
we ask for your blessings for America’s veterans,
the dedicated men and women
who have served our country in uniform,
and for all those who serve today.
Let those who made the ultimate sacrifice
for the cause of freedom
rest in peace,
honored by a grateful nation.
Heal those injured in service to our country,
whether their wounds are of body, mind or spirit.
Remember the parents, partners, children,
other family and friends of all who served:
the ones who sacrificed alongside them,
missed them when they served far away,
and bore the heavy burden when they were wounded
or gave their lives for our country.
Remind us of the debt we owe
to all those who have served.
Inspire us to pay it in full,
not just with parades, speeches and monuments,
but with the material support and care they have earned.
For all they have given to us, and for us,
move us to give to them and their families in kind.
May it be Your will
that each of us live up to
the selfless ideals symbolized by the uniform
and embraced by those who wear it.
And may it be Your will also
that we strive every day
to give our veterans and servicemembers
the greatest possible reward for their service –
a world secure in freedom and at peace.
And let us say Amen.


Contributor: David Abernethy


Featured Image:
Title: veterans-day-poster-1987-landscape-retouched
Caption: Cropped image of a Veterans Day poster from 1987 by the US Department of Veterans Affairs