Prayer for Sukkot 5785, by Rabbi David Seidenberg

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Date: 2024-10-23

Last Updated: 2025-03-27

Categories: Sukkot

Tags: 2023-2024 Israel–Hamas war, 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., English vernacular prayer, United States General Election 2024

Excerpt: This prayer by Rabbi Seidenberg was shared via his English newsletter and social media in the days preceding Sukkot 2024. . . .

Contribute a translation Source (English)
May we enter the Sukkah this year
for the sake of peace;
may we find protection and peace
under the fragile leaves of the skhakh;
may we savor the fruits and the joy of the holiday
in the name of peace for all peoples;
may we imagine a world that is safe enough for everyone
to recline in sukkot, dwellings open to the sky;
may there be stars for us and all humanity,
not rocket flares;
may there be sukkot,
not bomb shelters;
may we leave the Sukkah
ready to create and support peace, justice, and democracy
in the world.

This prayer by Rabbi Seidenberg was shared via his English newsletter and social media in the days preceding Sukkot 2024.


Contributor: David Seidenberg


Featured Image:
We are all linked one to another -Ushpizin, Ushpizata decorations (Noam Sienna 2024)
Title: We are all linked one to another -Ushpizin, Ushpizata decorations (Noam Sienna 2024)
Caption: We are all linked one to another -Ushpizin, Ushpizata decorations (Noam Sienna 2024)