Prayer for the United States Government, by Dr. Ester R. Fuchs (2001)

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Date: 2021-01-06

Last Updated: 2024-06-01

Categories: Government & Country, United States of America

Tags: 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., English vernacular prayer, United States

Excerpt: A prayer for the government and of good governance in the United States of America. . . .

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God Whose kingdom is a kingdom spanning all eternity;
Who commanded all humanity to create just governments;[1] Find, Talmud Bavli Sanhedrin 56a.24. For additional context, find Jeffrey Spitzer’s article, The Noaḥide Laws (MyJewishLearning). 
Who inspired the prophet Jeremiah to instruct the people of Israel
to pray for the well-being of governments in the lands in which they reside;[2] Jeremiah 29:7. 

May God preserve and protect our democracy,
bless and help the elected and appointed officials of the governments of the United States
to carry out their duties consistent with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
and in a manner that sustains and safeguards the freedoms guaranteed thereunder.

May God put into their hearts
and the hearts of all their counselors
devotion to fairness and equality for all who live in our great nation
and compassion for the poor and the needy among us.

May God give them
the strength of character
to carry out their responsibilities
free from corruption and the abuse of power.

May God inspire them
with the courage to defend the few from the tyranny of the many
and to use the might of the United States for good throughout the world
and in support of the State of Israel and of other nations
that share a commitment to democratic values and human rights.

May God lead them
to conduct all of their deliberations and their ministrations
with a passion for justice and truth
so that it can be said of them that they heed the admonition:
“Justice, Justice you shall pursue…”[3] Deuteronomy 16:20 part. 

May this be the will of God
and let us say, Amen.

Composed for the Edah Conference of 2001 by Professor Ester R. Fuchs of Columbia University, a member of Congregation Ramath Orah.



1 Find, Talmud Bavli Sanhedrin 56a.24. For additional context, find Jeffrey Spitzer’s article, The Noaḥide Laws (MyJewishLearning).
2 Jeremiah 29:7.
3 Deuteronomy 16:20 part.

Contributor: Ester Fuchs


Featured Image:
Effects of Good Government in the city – Ambrogio Lorenzetti (ca. 1339)
Title: Effects of Good Government in the city – Ambrogio Lorenzetti (ca. 1339)
Caption: "Effects of Good Government in the City" from The Allegory of Good and Bad Government by Ambrogio Lorenzetti (ca. 1339)