ODT | PDF (Modern Hebrew script)
ODT | PDF (Israelite-Samaritan Hebrew script)
ODT | PDF (English translation)
This Israelite-Samaritan weekday prayerbook includes blessings for washing before prayer, the text of the Samaritans’ two daily prayers (evening and morning), and their nusaḥ for counting the ʿOmer between the first Sunday of Pesaḥ and the holiday of Shavuʿot. This file is all in Samaritan script, an offshoot of paleo-Hebrew which developed after the Jews had already switched to today’s square “Ashurit” script.[1] Israelite Samaritan’s call “Ashurit” script, Aramaic Hebrew script At the end of the prayerbook, I’ve added a short pronunciation guide for those familiar with English or modern Hebrew. Both the original prayerbook and the transliterated version have been proofread and corrected by Benyamim Tsedaka, a scholar and spokesperson for the Israelite-Samaritan community.
In 2022, Isaac Gantwerk Mayer prepared an English translation of the prayerbook.

1 | Israelite Samaritan’s call “Ashurit” script, Aramaic Hebrew script |

“📖 תפילות ימי החל | ࠕࠐࠉࠋࠅࠕ࠰ࠉࠌࠉ࠰ ࠄࠇࠋ | Israelite-Samaritan Prayerbook for Weekday Evenings & Mornings (2015)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
Shalom, will you publish in English also?
I’m thinking of doing it with standard Hebrew text with English translation. The problem is that I’ve used the true Samaritan codepage, not Hebrew with Samaritan script, so I’d have to retype everything (as far as I know). After I complete the current version and correct it, I’ll probably translate it and transliterate it into Standard Hebrew. In the meanwhile, there’s a PDF of an old academic translation of the entire prayerbook available here:’s a short piece on Rabbi Solomon Brown, who prepared that critical edition for his 1955 PhD dissertation:
Shalom, could you please help me with a word thats in the defter old translation?
Let me know what the word is and on what page it appears.
In the meanwhile, I’ve started to make a usable translation.The verses for washing are translated, as is counting the Omer. The body of the prayers is still in-process. I’ll try to update it frequently. Here’s the link:–Weekday-Prayerbook-Uri-DeYoung_Eng.pdfThank you very much. Its okay, i will use your translation instead. Where will you publish the updates?
The same link as above. It will always lead to the latest version. Check the Version number at the bottom of the cover page. The version number format is:
[Year of Israeli independence].[Samaritan month].[Samaritan day]
Thus, today’s version is: 68.02.26
I can’t promise quick updates, but I’ll try to keep up on it.
Oh ok, i really need it in English.
Shalom is this complete meaning?: And I will witness the Day of Vengeance and Recompense, and the truth that, forever…
It seems to be. You could ask the expert, Benyamim Tsedaka. He’s on Facebook and he has a nice website at He can give a definitive answer.
Shalom, How is it going with the translation?
At Benyamim Tsedaka’s request, I’ve been concentrating on the transliteration into modern Hebrew. Because the original was typed using the UFT-8 Samaritan code page, I couldn’t simply change the font; I’ve had to retype the entire thing. It’s not a lot of work, but I’m adding niqqud that approximates Samaritan pronunciation and I work slowly. The English version will be my next project. Additionally, I’m sure that someone will take it upon himself to translate it into Portuguese, as there’s an active group of Brazilians who are eager to learn more about Samaritan customs.
Do you think the English translation will be done this year?
What about a transliteration?
grazie di tutto
Are you planing on doing The hebrew transliteration with roman characters and english beside?
i cant believe my eyes….I have a deep fascination with Samaritans whom I believe are the remnants of the Ten Tribes specifically the Tribe of Joseph. This is a beautiful project. I hope to buy it soon.
There’s nothing to buy. Just download the free PDF file(s) and print them up.