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Publicly launched in 5769 (2009), the Open Siddur is a volunteer-driven, non-profit, non-commercial, non-denominational, and non-prescriptive community project growing a vast collection of digitized Jewish prayers, liturgies, and related works (historic and contemporary, familiar and obscure), composed in every era, region, and language Jews, adjacent communities, and fellow travelers have ever prayed. For those working with the content of Jewish devotional practice, e.g., on סִדּוּרִים (siddurim, prayerbooks), our goal is to provide text, tools, and resources shared under open/libre terms for adaptive reuse. Through this effort we hope to empower personal autonomy, to preserve customs, to cross-pollinate wisdom, and to foster openness and vitality in religious culture.

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Recent Contributors (past month)

The view expressed by any one individual contributor represents their own point-of-view and reflects the plurality of voices expressed in this project. Any individual viewpoint does not ncecessarily represent that of any other volunteer contributor, the project's developers, or any of its institutional partners. Contributors whose portraits are unavailable are displayed as a tree in a field, per Deuteronomy 20:19.

זכר לברכה | May their names be remembered for a blessing

"Zekher liVrakhah" (lit. "remembered for a blessing," Cf. Proverbs 10:7). Displayed below are a selection of authors and translators of previous generations to whom resources shared through this project have been credited and attributed. Contributors whose portraits are unavailable are displayed as a tree in a field, per Deuteronomy 20:19.

פרויקט הסידור הפתוח ✍︎ the Open Siddur Project