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You are here:   October 2015

הושענא לתיקון ולנחמה | Hoshana for Healing and Consolation, by Rabbi Dr. Dalia Marx

תפילה למען ילדי העולם | Prayer for the Children of the World, by Rabbi Nava Hefetz

A Blessing for the Bugs on the Jewish New Year’s Day for Animals, Rosh Hashana La-Behemah, by Trisha Arlin

Primary sources in open-source Judaism: Rabbi Yitsḥoq Hutner’s Paḥad Yitzḥoq, Rosh haShanah Ma’amar Bet

הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Prosperity of his Royal Majesty, delivered by Rabbi Jacob Jehudah Leon Templo to King Charles Ⅱ (1675)