The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 10 January 2020. . . .
A ḳinnah composed in response to the agonizing and cruel United States immigration policy implemented under the presidency of Donald Trump. . . .
A prescriptive instruction from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi on the purpose of the taḥanun after the Amidah. . . .
Shabbat Affirmations for erev shabbat in preparation of welcoming the shabbat. . . .
The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. Senate on 25 September 2008. . . .
The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. Senate on 20 May 2004. . . .
The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 5 May 2004. . . .
The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 18 March 2004. . . .
A prayer written for the play David Dances (1997) by playwright Stephen Mo Hanan. . . .
A prayer offered at the opening of a department store during the post-WWII economic expansion in the United States. . . .
A prayer composed for a ceremony honoring the tenure of Charles Henry Martens, mayor of East Orange, New Jersey on his retirement from three decades of civic service. . . .
A prayer offered at a ceremony honoring the graduated of the New Jersey State Teachers’ College in Newark in 1951. . . .
A prayer to provide some relief and comfort tor an ill patient. . . .
A prayer for American democracy as enshrined in Little League Baseball. . . .
A prayer anticipating the spring as a metaphor for liberation, mental wellness, and spiritual rebirth. . . .
A prayer “in spring” that uses the metaphor of mining for seeking out the goodness in one’s fellow. . . .
A prayer for the continuance of “the American way of life” offered during the Cold War (1947-1953) in northern New Jersey. . . .
A prayer for lifegiving sustenance. . . .
A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Yom Kippur, nusaḥ sefarad, with a translation for Rabbi David de Aaron de Sola, revised and edited by Moses Gaster, amended by Rabbi David Bueno de Mesquita. . . .
A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Rosh haShanah, nusaḥ sefarad, with a translation for Rabbi David de Aaron de Sola, revised and edited by Moses Gaster. . . .
A piyyut in honor of the Torah. . . .
The sephardic folk-song “Kuando el rey Nimrod” in Ladino with English translation. . . .
A paraliturgical prayer for Shabbat, offered by Fanny Neuda from her collection of teḥinot in vernacular German. . . .
Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., Bohemia, Bohemian Jewry, German vernacular prayer, Paraliturgical Psalms 92, paraliturgical teḥinot, Psalm of the Day, Saturday, שיר של יום Shir Shel Yom, Teḥinot in German
A prayer on entering a new habitation or dedication for a new home by Rabbi Isaac Henry Myers of Ramsgate. . . .
A prayer for Kabbalat Shabbat, reflecting on the creator of creation. . . .
Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., English Translation, French Jewry, French vernacular prayer, Friday, North American Jewry, Paraliturgical Psalms 121, paraliturgical teḥinot, Psalm of the Day, Psalms 121, שיר של יום Shir Shel Yom, the sixth day
An interpretive translation of the shabbes hymn, Yah Ekhsof. . . .
A paraliturgical birkat hamazon in Ladino. . . .
An interpretive translation in English of the shabbes hymn Yom Zeh l’Yisrael. . . .
Modeh Ani, in Hebrew with English translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. . . .
Tags: 16th century C.E., 21st century C.E., 54th century A.M., 58th century A.M., Alive, English vernacular prayer, Gratitude, מודה אני Modeh Ani, רשות reshut, Sunrise, Wakefulness
“Even haRoshah” (the corner stone) is a seliḥah recited on the Fast of Tevet in the Ashkenazi nusaḥ minhag Polin. . . .
A “praying translation” of the piyyut, Anim Zemirot. . . .
A translation of the piyyut, Anim Zemirot. . . .
A pizmon recited on the Fast of Tevet in the tradition of nusaḥ Ashkenaz. . . .
The prayer of Azaryah and his song of praise with Ḥananyah, and Mishael from within the Furnace (also known as “the song of the three holy children”) found in Aramaic in the Divrei Yeraḥmiel (the Chronicles of Jeraḥmeel, Oxford Bodleian Heb d.11). . . .
The story of Daniel and the dragon held captive by the neo-Babylonians found in Aramaic in the Divrei Yeraḥmiel (the Chronicles of Jeraḥmeel, Oxford Bodleian Heb d.11). . . .
Tags: anti-predatory, Antiquity, Aramaic, captive animals, captives, deuterocanonical works, dragons, חבקוק Ḥabaquq, iconoclastic, Jewish Antiquities, קפיצת הדרך ḳfitsat haderekh, the Pit
An interpretive translation of a piyyut composed as an introduction to the prayer Nishmat Kol Ḥai. . . .
A popular piyyut for all occasions by Avraham ibn Ezra. . . .
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s interpretive “praying translation” of the piyyut, Adon Olam. . . .
A rhyming English translation of Adon Olam by Rosa Emma Salaman. . . .
Tags: 11th century C.E., 49th century A.M., ABCB rhyming scheme, אדון עולם Adon Olam, cosmological, free translation, חתימות ḥatimot (concluding prayers), interpretive translation, Nusaḥ Sefaradi, Openers, פיוטים piyyutim, rhyming translation
“Ezkera Matsok” (I remember the distress) is a seliḥah in alphabetic acrostic recited on the Fast of Tevet in the Ashkenazi nusaḥ minhag Polin. . . .
An interpretive translation of Yehudah haLevi’s shabbat song, “Yom Shabbaton.” . . .
The piyyut, El Adon, in Hebrew with an interpretive “praying translation” by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalom, z”l. . . .
The critical text of Pereq Shirah prepared by Dr. Malachi Beit-Arié in 1967. . . .
Tags: 43rd century A.M., 5th century C.E., animals, birds, cosmological, creeping creatures, Early Ammoraic, Early Middle Ages, ההיכלות ויורדי המרכבה haHeikhalot v'Yordei haMerkavah, heikhalot literature, hymns of creation, Late Tannaitic, Openers
The story of Shoshanah & the Elders, according to the text of Theodotion translated into Biblical Hebrew. . . .
The story of Bel and the Dragon according to the text of Theodotion, translated into biblical Hebrew. . . .
Tags: anti-predatory, Antiquity, captive animals, captives, deuterocanonical works, dragons, חבקוק Ḥabaquq, iconoclastic, Jewish Antiquities, קפיצת הדרך ḳfitsat haderekh, the Pit
The prayer El Malé Raḥamim, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. . . .