- “On Prayer,” by Abraham Joshua Heschel (1969)
- “Prayer,” by Abraham Joshua Heschel (1945)
- “The Spirit of Jewish Prayer,” by Abraham Joshua Heschel (1953)
- 📄 ‘Make yourself into a maqom hefker’: Primary sources on open-source in Judaism (sourcesheet)
- 📄 Sourcetexts on Jewish Prayer and Spirituality, compiled by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman
- 📄 הגדה לסדר פסח | The Ritual of the Seder and the Agada of the English Jews Before the Expulsion (1287)
- 📕︎ “A Case Study on the Open Siddur Project,” by Gabrielle Girau Pieck (University of Basel, 2014)
- 📕︎ “People of the (Open Source) Book” by Dan Mendelsohn Aviv (Key Publishing, 2012)
- 📰 “Database Davvenen” by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (circa mid-1980s)
- 📰 “Prayer Unbound” (Hadara Graubart, Tablet Magazine 2009)
- 📰 “The Open Siddur: A next generation communal Jewish educational resource,” by Dr. Efraim Feinstein and Dr. Devorah Preiss (Jewish Educational Leadership, Lookstein Center 2010 )
- 📰 “מאַכט אײַער אייגענעם סידור!” (Yoel Matveyev, Yiddish Daily Forverts 2019)
- 📰 “Color-Coded Prayerbook Devised by Rabbi” (Martin Lauer, Springfield Republican 1972)
- 📰 “Taking Prayer Into Their Own Hands” (Steve Lipman, New York Jewish Week 2010)
- 📰 “Ten Commandments of Jewish Social Networking” (Jonah Lowenfeld, Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles 2010)
- 📰 “Prayer a la Carte” (Raphael Ahren, Haaretz 2009)
- A Tale of Two Codexes: The Aleppo and Leningrad Codex
- Access, Sharing, and Innovation through Digitization and the Public Domain — by Aharon Varady (Open Siddur 2010)
- An Economic Argument for Open Data — by Efraim Feinstein (Open Siddur 2009)
- An interview with Aharon Varady on Open Source Judaism (Radio613, 2010)
- An Introduction to the Open Siddur Project at the National Museum of American Jewish History (8 December 2019)
- An Invitation to Young Technologists — from Efraim Feinstein (Open Siddur 2009)
- Blessings and Ethics: The Spiritual Life of Justice, a dvar tefillah on berakhot by Rabbi Dr. Joshua Gutoff (1997)
- Complete List of Miscellaneous Items shared through the project so far
- Complete List of Prayers, &c. shared through the project so far
- Complete List of Readings, &c. shared through the project so far
- Complete List of Siddurim, &c. shared through the project so far
- Concerning Intolerance of New Practices in Jewish Prayer, by Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (1989)
- Copyright and Commercial Use: the Problem with Creative Commons’ Non-Commercial Use Licenses (Efraim Feinstein, 2010)
- Culmus Project’s Ancient Semitic Scripts Fonts Now Licensed GPL with “font exception”
- Das Gebet Als Äußerung Und Einfühlung | Prayer as Expression and Empathy, by Abraham Joshua Heschel (1939)
- Development Status (2009-08-23)
- Development Status (2009-09-22)
- Development Status (2009-11-11)
- Development Status (2010-02-15)
- Development Status (2010-08-15)
- Efraim Feinstein presents the Open Siddur Project at NewCAJE, 2010
- Emma Goldman on “Everybody’s Right to Beautiful, Radiant Things” (1931)
- Feminist Influences on Jewish Liturgy: The Case of Israeli Reform Prayer (2009)
- First Pitch from the Hotseat at the PresenTense Start-Up Incubator (Aharon Varady 2009)
- Fully Egalitarian Ketubah from Naomi & Beverly Socher-Lerner’s Wedding
- Gebet im Judentum | Prayer in Judaism, by Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck (1935)
- Gender Neutralizing Ketubbah with Instructions by Jonah Rank and Raysh Weiss
- How to Annotate Your Siddur (sourcesheet), by Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner
- How to craft a small siddur or bentsher by Aharon Varady
- Introduction [to the Siddur], by Rabbi Dr. Israel Wolf Slotki (1964)
- Isles Of The Forsaken, an illustration of the plight of Agunot by Ilene Winn-Lederer (2002)
- It’s All Greek To Me–Praying in Languages Other than Hebrew (sourcesheet) by R’ Ethan Tucker
- Jewish Content, Free Culture and “Content Compatibility” — by Efraim Feinstein (Open Siddur 2009)
- Jewish Science and Health — chapter 3: Prayer, by Rabbi Morris Lichtenstein (Society of Jewish Science 1925)
- Kavvana: Directing the Heart in Jewish Prayer, by Rabbi Dr. Seth Kadish (1997)
- Line and letter art, by Emily K
- List of Compilations
- List of Miscellanies
- Logo for the Open Siddur Project, by Aharon Varady (2009)
- Masking the Liturgy: a pedagogy for learning the Siddur, by Rabbi Dr. Joshua Gutoff (2003)
- Meaning What We Pray, Praying What We Mean: The Otherness of the Liturgy, by Rabbi Dr. Joshua Gutoff (1989)
- Musical Liturgy and Traditions of Colonial American Jews
- On Composing Prayers Outside of the Prayerbook, an introduction by Isaac Leeser to “Two Short Prayers” (1851)
- On Sharing Siddur Texts — by Aharon Varady (Open Siddur, PresenTense 2009)
- On the Good of Prayer, an essay by Lilian Helen Montagu (March 1939)
- On the Open Siddur Project, a brochure presented at the Spring Intensive of the Academy for Jewish Religion by Aharon Varady (Open Siddur 2010)
- Openness, remixability, and free Jewish culture: a response to Russel Neiss — from Efraim Feinstein (Open Siddur 2009)
- Our hearts are stirred to create and to share — by Aharon Varady (Open Siddur, 2010)
- Pew Study of American Jewry: A Few Grains of Salt by Dr. Samuel Klausner
- Pirate Siddurim vs. Open Siddurim — by Aharon Varady (Open Siddur, PresenTense 2009)
- Prayers that Hurt: Public Prayer in Interfaith Settings, by Rabbi Chaplain (Captain) Arnold E. Resnicoff, USN, Ret. (1987, 2009)
- PresenTense Institute Summer Workshop (Aharon Varady 2009)
- Preserving Public Domain resources from Restrictive End User License Agreements in Proprietary Torah Databases — by Aharon Varady (Open Siddur, 2009)
- Primary sources in open-source Judaism: Rabbi Yitsḥoq Hutner’s Paḥad Yitzḥoq, Rosh haShanah Ma’amar Bet
- Public policy, technology, and copyright in Halakha: a sourcesheet
- Publicly funded work of Jewish non-profits should be shared with Open Content licensing (Future of Jewish Non Profit Summit, 2010)
- Rules of Etiquette for Public Prayer, by Isaac Seligman Baer (1868)
- SHARE WHAT YOU LOVE ♡ A Decision Tree for Choosing Free-Culture Compatible Open Content Licenses for Cultural & Technological Work
- Shiviti (scalable vector graphic) art, by Yaakov Love
- Siddur Class: Sourcesheets from Amit Gvaryahu’s Shiur on Tefillah
- Software Architecture of the Open Siddur Web Application — by Efraim Feinstein (Open Siddur 2009)
- Some thoughts on God’s proper, ineffable name — a d’var tefillah by Shoshana Michael Zucker
- Spiritual Alienation and the Siddur — by Aharon Varady (Open Siddur 2009)
- STOP ACTA & TPP from Undermining Free Speech on the Internet
- Technology is a “plus” not “or” proposition: thoughts after NewCAJE — by Efraim Feinstein (Open Siddur 2010)
- Teshuvah on Ketubbah Where Woman Acquires Man, by Rabbi Jonah Rank
- Testing Our Transliteration Engine with help from James Strong’s Biblical Hebrew Dictionary
- Testing Web browsers as Platforms for Hebrew Text Publishing
- Thankful for the Internet Sacred Text Archive’s John Bruno Hare (1955-2010)
- The Afikoman Hiding in Plain Sight, a meditation on freedom and roleplaying in re-enacting Judaism’s archetypal Hero’s Journey — by Aharon Varady (Open Siddur 2011)
- The Limits of Liturgical Change: selections of halakhic discourse with translations by Rav Ethan Tucker (sourcesheet)
- The twelve hued rainbow above the Sea of Reeds during the miracle of its division into twelve channels of liberation
- Thoughts on Family Prayer, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1840)
- Why all the software? — by Efraim Feinstein (Open Siddur 2009)
- Why, davka, an Open Siddur Project? — by Aharon Varady (Open Siddur, PresenTense 2009)
- Ὑμνεῖν με δεῖ τὸν θεόν | “I Must Praise God,” excerpted from the Discourses of Epictetus by Rabbi Morrison David Bial
- אֵל בָּרוּךְ | El Barukh, an alphabetic acrostic piyyut together with the lyrics to Aleph Bass by Darshan
- בלוס פון חלה | How the Grateful Dead, Jewish Text, and Worship Explain One Another and Raise Interesting Questions, by Virginia Spatz
- בִּרְכַּת הַקֶּשֶׁת | the Blessing upon observing a Rainbow (with art by Ilene Winn-Lederer)
- האותיות של האבג״ד בעברית | A Periodic Table of the Hebrew Aleph Bet Emphasizing Phonetic Grouping, Symbolic Association, and Diversity of Letter Form
- הנני ☞ Hineni: Here I Am, a bookmark for your Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur maḥzor by Lieba B. Ruth
- חנוכה שמח – מנדלה | Ḥanukkah Sameaḥ Mandala by Ḥatul Yehudi (Cat Jew)
- להבין את התפלה | Rav Amram Gaon’s letter to Rav Yitzḥok b. Shimon of Sepharad, circa 9th century
- נֻסְחָאוֹת | A Historical Map of Jewish Liturgical Influence and Variation, by Aharon Varady after Joseph Heinemann
- סדר אושפיזין / אושפיזתא | Seder Ushpizin and Ushpizata: Inviting the Avot and Imahot into your Sukkah by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- ספר רפואת הנפש, פרק ב׳ — תפלה | Sefer Refuat haNefesh — chapter 2: Prayer, by Rabbi Morris Lichtenstein (Society of Jewish Science 1934)
- על הניסים ליום העצמאות | Al Hanissim for Yom ha-Atsma’ut: Theological & Liturgical Reflections, by Yehonatan Chipman (2003)
- על השואה ועל התפלתה | Prayer in the Shoah, an essay and a prayer by Rabbi Dr. David Weiss Halivni (2000)
- עשרה בטבת | The Tenth of Tevet on a Friday: Can one fast half a day? by Rabbi Ethan Tucker (Mechon Hadar, Center for Jewish Law and Values)
- שִׁוִּיתִי | Shiviti by Mashiaḥ Asgari (ca. late 19th – early 20th c. Herat, Afghanistan)
- שִׁוִּיתִי | Shiviti: perceiving the world as an expression of divine Oneness
- שטר ברית | Shtar Brit – Covenant for a Brit Ahuvim wedding, by Rebecca Ennen and Ari Weisbard
- שטרות לקישור נפשות | Documents for a Marriage from One Soulmate to Another by Raysh Weiss and Jonah Rank
- שמע | An illustrated meditation on the unification of imagination and awareness through empathy
- תהלים כ״ז | A D’var Tefillah on Zombies, Elul, and Psalms 27 by Rabbi Jessica Minnen
- תעודת גירות בישראל (קדם־גיל־מצות) | Certificate of Conversion for a Minor, by Rabbi Jonah Rank
- תעודת גירות בישראל | Certificate of Conversion for an Adult, by Rabbi Jonah Rank
- תעודת זהות מאושרת בישראל (קדם־גיל־מצות) | Certificate of Affirmation of Jewish Identity for a Minor, by Rabbi Jonah Rank
- תעודת זהות מאושרת בישראל | Certificate of Affirmation of Jewish Identity for an Adult, by Rabbi Jonah Rank
- 📖 סידור קבלת שבת | A Kabbalat Shabbat Siddur, illustrated by Daniel Nebenzahl (2012)

“List of Miscellanies” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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