— for those crafting their own prayerbooks and sharing the content of their practice
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May 2020 Invocation for a virtual Memorial Day ceremony at the Washington DC Vietnam War Veterans Memorial. . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 Memorial Day (last Monday of May) 📖 מחזור תפילות חיינו חלק א׳ | Maḥzor Tefilot Ḥayyeinu vol.1: For Weekday Mornings, by Joshua Giorgio-Rubin (2020)A weekday morning siddur in Hebrew with English translation prepared by Joshua Giorgio-Rubin adapted from traditional sources. . . . Categories: Morning siddurim A bilingual Hebrew and English High Holiday (Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur) maḥzor prepared for the Hill Havurah congregation in Washington, D.C. . . . A paraliturgical reflection on the prayer over being animated with life sustaining breath, Elohai Neshamah, for a shame resilience practice. . . . Categories: Elohai Neshamah A paraliturgical reflection on the prayer following urination and defecation, Asher Yatsar, for a shame resilience practice. . . . ברכות השחר | Birkhot haShaḥar (Morning Blessings), paraliturgical reflections by Rabbi Shoshana Meira FriedmanParaliturgical reflections of the morning blessings for a shame resilience practice. . . . Categories: Berakhot sheNatani A paraliturgical reflection on the blessings over learning Torah, the Birkhot haTorah, for a shame resilience practice. . . . A paraliturgical reflection of the prayer for entering sacred communal spaces, Mah Tovu, for a shame resilience practice. . . . Categories: Entering Sacred Spaces רִבּוֹן הָעוֹלָמִים לֹא עַל־צִדְקוֹתֵֽינוּ | Ribon HaOlamim, a paraliturgical reflection by Rabbi Shoshana Meira FriedmanA paraliturgical reflection of the prayer Ribon haOlamim for a shame resilience practice. . . . Categories: Mah anu A prayer of gratitude to be recited on Thanksgiving Day (or the Shabbat prior). . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday of November) A morning prayer for young girls composed in Magyar and published in 1930, with English translation. . . . Categories: Additional Morning Prayers Ima a királyért és a hazáért | Prayer for the King and the Homeland [of Hungary], by Rabbi Simon Hevesi (1911)A paraliturgical prayer for the government presented opposite Hanoten T’shuah in Rabbi Simon Hevesi’s siddur Ateret Shalom v’Emet (1911). . . . Az uralkodóház és a hazáért | Prayer for the King [Franz Joseph Ⅰ] and the [Hungarian] Homeland, by Rabbi Gyula Fischer (1908)Modeled after the prayer Hanoten T’shuah, this patriotic paraliturgical prayer for the Kingdom of Hungary by Rabbi Gyula Fischer was published in the prayerbook for Jewish women, Rachel: imák zsidó nők számára (1908). . . . A prayerbook for women in Hebrew and Magyar. . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., Hungarian Jewry, Jewish Women's Prayers, teḥinot in Magyar Contributor(s): József Patai, Gyula Fischer, Gabor Weisz and Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) 💬 מְגִלַּת לִינְקוֹן | Megillat Lincoln — a Purim Sheni scroll for the 13th of Tevet commemorating the revocation of Ulysses S. Grant’s General Order № 11 (1862, 2020)A megillah for a Purim Sheni commemorating a day of salvation the Jewry of the United States during the Civil War. . . . מַה־טֹּבוּ | Priêre en entrant dans le Temple, a paraliturgical Mah Tovu by Rabbi Arnaud Aron & Jonas Ennery (1848)A paraliturgical Mah Tovu, in French with English translation. . . . Categories: Entering Sacred Spaces אמעריקע | America (My Country, ‘Tis of Thee), a patriotic hymn by Samuel Francis Smith (1832) with Yiddish translation by Berl Lapin (1950)The well-known patriotic hymn with a Yiddish translation. . . . אָמוֹן יוֹם זֶה | Amon Yom Zeh, an introduction to the Azharot of ibn Gabirol by David ben Elazar ibn Paquda (ca. 12th c.)A poetic introduction to the Azharot of Solomon ibn Gabirol read in the afternoon of Shavuot by Sefaradim. . . . Categories: Shavuot מימיני מיכאל | “Mikhael is on my right,” an apotropaic invocation of angelic protection in the Bedtime Shema from the Maḥzor Vitry (ca. 11th c.)An “angels on all sides” formula included with the Bedtime Shema service in the Maḥzor Vitry. . . . Tags: 11th century C.E., 49th century A.M., Angelic Protection, Angels, Angels of Healing, apotropaic prayers of protection, Before Sleep, danger, night, שכינה Shekhinah, sleep Contributor(s): Dan Levene, Dalia Marx, Simḥah ben Shmuel of Vitry and Aharon N. Varady (translation) אָב הָרַחֲמִים שׁוֹכֵן מְרוֹמִים | Av haRaḥamim Shokhein Meromim, a prayer for the martyred during the First Crusade & Rhineland massacresA prayer for those martyred in the First Crusade and Rhineland Massacres, and by extension, all subsequent pogroms up until and including the Holocaust. . . . אַקְדָמוּת מִילִין | Aḳdamut Milin, a preface to the Targum for the Shavuot Torah Reading, attributed to Meir ben Isaac Nehorai of Orléans (ca. 11th c.)An Aramaic piyyut composed as an introduction to the reading of the Targum for the Torah reading on Shavuot. . . . Categories: Shavuot Tags: 11th century C.E., 49th century A.M., acrostic, Acrostic signature, Alphabetic Acrostic, אקדמות Aqdamut, Aramaic, בהמות behemot, פיוטים piyyutim, תרגום targum Contributor(s): Cantor Hinda Labovitz, Meir ben Isaac Nehorai of Orléans and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) ברכת המזון לשבועות | Birkat haMazon for Shavuot, according to the Cairo Geniza fragment T-S H6.37 vocalized and translated by Isaac Gantwerk MayerA Birkat haMazon for Shavuot presenting an alphabetic acrostic from a manuscript preserved in the Cairo Geniza. . . . Contributor(s): Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (transcription & naqdanut) and Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (translation) כְּהַיּוֹם הַזֶּה בִּירוּשָׁלַיִם | k’Hayom HaZeh Birushalayim (This day in Jerusalem), a wedding prayer from the Seder Rav Amram Gaon (ca. 9th c.)A well-wishing prayer for couples on their wedding day found in the Seder Rav Amram Gaon. . . . Categories: Engagements & Weddings כשיוצא אדם בלילה | When a person goes out at night: an apotropaic invocation of angelic protection in the Seder Rav Amram Gaon (ca. 9th c.)An apotropaic prayer of protection for traveling at night containing an “angels on all sides” formula. . . . A zemirah for havdallah by an otherwise unknown rabbinic payyetan known only by his signature acrostic. . . . Categories: Motsei Shabbat מִימִינִי מִיכָאֵל | “Mikhael is on my right,” the angelic invocation for divine protection from the Ḳriyat Shema al haMitahThe “angels on all sides” formula included with the Bedtime Shema service in many contemporary siddurim. . . . Categories: Bedtime Shema גבריאל מימינהון | “Gavriel is on the right,” an apotropaic invocation of angelic protection in the amulet bowl SD12 (ca. mid-first millennium C.E.)The text and translation of an amulet bowl discussed in “‘Gabriel is on their Right’: Angelic Protection in Jewish Magic and Babylonian Lore” by Dan Levene, Dalia Marx, and Siam Bharyo in Studia Mesopotamica (Band 1: 2014) pp.185-198. The apotropaic ward found in the amulet bowl, SD 12, contains an “angels on all sides” formula similar to that appearing in the Jewish liturgy of the bedtime shema. . . . 💬 מזמור לבן סירא על זכות אבותינו (פרקים מד-נ) | Paean of Ben Sira on the Merit of the Ancestors (ch. 44-50), vocalized and cantillated with the Poetic Masoretic System by Isaac Gantwerk MayerThe poem lauding the ancestors from Chapters 44 to 50 of Ben Sira (Ecclesiasticus) is considered by many scholars to be the original influence for the Yom Kippur Avodah service, and the paean to Shimon the Righteous bears a striking similarity to the beloved piyyut “Mar’eh Khohen.” This passage from Ben Sira, the great paean on the merit of the ancestors, takes the Hebrew text of one of the Cairo Geniza manuscripts — Bodleian MS Heb e62 — and versifies it according to the standard Septuagintal text, along with vocalization and cantillation per the standard Masoretic EMe”T system for poetic books. It could be read on Yom Kippur for the avodah service, or just studied as a fascinating piece of Jewish history. . . . תהלים קנ״א | Psalms 151a, according to the Nusaḥ of the Judean Desert Scrolls, Edited, Vocalized, Cantillated, and Translated into English by Isaac Gantwerk MayerPsalm 151a is unlike any other psalm, because it is openly and clearly a description of David’s own life. He describes his childhood as the youngest of the family, and his anointing. It may have not been included as part of the Masoretic canon because this dissimilarity leads to just a whiff of pseudepigraphical overcompensation. [The psalm is designated Psalms 151a to destinguish it from the text of Psalms 151 found in the Septuagint. –ANV] . . . Categories: Second Temple Period תהלים קנ״ד | Psalms 154, according to the Nusaḥ of the Judean Desert Scrolls, Edited, Vocalized, Cantillated, and Translated into English by Isaac Gantwerk MayerPsalm 154 seems to be a hymn of communal eating, very appropriate for the communal life of Qumran, but also features a very Proverbs-like anthropomorphization of Wisdom as a woman. Of the three apocryphal psalms recorded in the Dead Sea Scrolls, this one seems the most likely to have been written with sectarian intent, which may have been why it wasn’t included in the Masoretic canon. . . . Categories: Second Temple Period תהלים קנ״ה | Psalms 155, according to the Nusaḥ of the Judean Desert Scrolls, Edited, Vocalized, Cantillated, and Translated into English by Isaac Gantwerk MayerPsalm 155 is an incomplete acrostic (the Dead Sea Scrolls text records it going from ב to נ, and the Syriac can be reconstructed to include up to פ) with similarities to petitionary psalms like Psalm 3, 22, and 143. It is unclear why it was not included in the Masoretic canon, but one can hazard a guess that it was just not familiar to the compilers. . . . Categories: Second Temple Period A Megillah reading of Rūt (Ruth) with English translation, transtropilized. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Naso (Judges 13:2-25): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat Naso, in English translation, transtropilized. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for the Second Day of Shavuot (Ḥabaquq 2:20-3:19): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for the second day of Shavuot, in English translation, transtropilized. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat b’Midbar (Hosea 2:1-22): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat b’Midbar, in English translation, transtropilized. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for the First Day of Shavuot (Ezekiel 1:1-28 & 3:12): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for the first day of Shavuot, in English translation, transtropilized. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Emor (Ezekiel 44:15-31): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat Emor, in English translation, transtropilized. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat b’Ḥuqotai (Jeremiah 16:19-17:14): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat b’Ḥuqotai, in English translation, transtropilized. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat beHar (Jeremiah 32:6-27): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat beHar, in English translation, transtropilized. . . . | ||
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