— for those crafting their own prayerbooks and sharing the content of their practice
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July 2020 An al hanissim prayer for the State of Israel’s Day of Independence. . . . Categories: 🇮🇱 Yom ha-Atsma'ut (5 Iyyar) ברכת המזון לסעודה מפסקת ערב תשעה בעב | Birkat haMazon for the Seudah Mafseqet (Pre-Fast Meal) of Tishah b’Av, by Isaac Gantwerk MayerA Birkat haMazon with additions for the pre-Fast meal of Tisha b’Av . . . 📜 תוספות לקריאות התורה לשבת כלה (אחרי החתונה) | Additions to the Torah Reading for Shabbat Kallah (after the wedding)There are all sorts of customs associated with weddings in Judaism. But one custom that has been practiced for a long time and deserves a comeback is the additions to the Torah reading for Shabbat Kallah. Shabbat Kallah, the Shabbat in the “Sheva Berakhot” week after the wedding, is in many Sephardic communities preferred over Shabbat Ḥatan, the aufruf Shabbat before the wedding. And in all sorts of communities across the Jewish world, there have been customs for specific readings for Shabbat Kallah, treating it as a Special Sabbath in its own right. Traditionally this special maftir and haftarah would recited by the groom (along with an Aramaic translator interpolating for the maftir). The maftir is from the story of Abraham’s servant tasked with finding a wife for Isaac, and the haftarah is from the book of Isaiah and compares a groom and bride to the relationship between God and Israel. . . . A blessing for announcing the new moon of Av, for Rosh Ḥodesh Av, and for the whole month. A poem of grieving and gentleness as part of collective liberation. . . . Categories: Rosh Ḥodesh Av (אָב) A short amidah for the Friday evening service for Shabbat. . . . Categories: Arvit l'Shabbat על אלה אנו בוכים | Al eleh anu bokhim (For these we weep), a lamentation for humanity’s destruction of habitat and species, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)A ḳinnah for humanity’s willful, negligent, and callous destruction of habitat and species known and unknown. . . . A prayer for women caught up in the torment of ‘get’ refusal from a husband who refuses to grant them the document required for a religious divorce. . . . אֱלִי צִיּוֹן וְעָרֶיהָ | Eli Tsiyon v’Arehah — Coronavirus, by Daniel Olson & Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg (2020)An adaptation of the kinnah, “Eli Tsiyon v’Ar’eha,” Composed for Tisha B’Av 5780 in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. . . . A playful, expansive, embodied riff on “Hashiveinu Hashem eilecha v’nashuva, ḥadesh yameinu k’kedem.” Suitable for Tisha B’Av, Elul, the Days of Awe, and every day. . . . Categories: Tishah b'Av Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Gerald M. Kane on 2 October 2002The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 2 October 2002. . . . The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 1 October 2002. . . . A song in Yiddish bemoaning the suffering brought about in an epidemic. . . . Categories: Epidemics & Pandemics Prayer on the Ninth Day of Aḇ תשעה באב the anniversary of the destruction of Jerusalem, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)A prayer for the 9th of Av, the anniversary of the destruction of Jerusalem. . . . Categories: Tishah b'Av A paraliturgical prayer for cultivating humility modeled after the morning prayer, Ribon haOlamim. . . . Actions de graces après un événement heu-reux | Thanksgiving after a joyful reprieve, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)A prayer of gratitude after a dangerous and distressing situation is resolved for the good. . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving Prière pour demander la subsistance | Prayer for sustenance, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)A prayer for parnassah (livelihood) for someone impoverished or in danger of poverty. . . . Categories: Labor, Fulfillment, and Parnasah Supplique dans un malheur ou dans un chagrin | Supplication in misfortune or in grief, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)A prayer in severe distress. . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving Dans un temps de calamité publique | [Prayer] in a time of public calamity, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)A prayer during an event of immanent communal danger and distress. . . . Categories: Imminent Communal Danger & Distress 📖 סדור שפתי צדיקים (מנהג הספרדים) | Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim (The Form of Prayers) vol. 6: Seder haTefilot laTaaniyot (1838)The sixth volume in a set of prayerbooks compiled for Spanish & Portuguese Jews in the United States, edited by Isaac Leeser, in 1838. . . . Categories: Seder Seliḥot and Tefilot l'Taaniyot שַׁאֲלִי שְׂרוּפָה בָּאֵשׁ | Sha’ali Serufah ba-Esh (Question, Burnt in the Fire), a Ḳinah for Tishah b’Av, translated by Gershom ScholemA translation in German and English of the ḳinnah “Sha’ali Serufah ba-Esh.” . . . A guide to the activities one might engage upon in every hour of the week corresponding with their ruling planet, numinous and cthonic power. . . . Categories: Incantations, Adjurations, & Amulets 💬 ספר ברוך | Sefer Barukh (1:1-3:8), from the Reconstructed Hebrew Vorlage by Prof. Emmanuel Tov, vocalized and cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk MayerThe book of Barukh (also, Baruch and Barouch) in its reconstructed Hebrew vorlage from verse 1:1 till 3:8. . . . Categories: Second Temple Period Selected verses from the book of ben Sira for a Seliḥot service . . . Categories: Second Temple Period 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Balaq (Mikhah 5:6-6:8): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat Balaq, in English translation, transtropilized. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Matot (Jeremiah 1:1-2:3): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat Matot, in English translation, transtropilized. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Mas’ei (Jeremiah 2:4-28; 3:4; and 4:1-2): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat Mas’ei, in English translation, transtropilized. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for Tishah b’Av Morning (Jeremiah 8:13-9:23): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Tishah b’Av morning in English translation, transtropilized. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Pinḥas (1 Kings 18:46-19:21): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat Pinḥas, in English translation, transtropilized. . . . | ||
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