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December 2021 שמחת בת (זבד הבת) | Simḥat Bat: Zeved HaBat (The Gift of a Daughter), a Ceremony Guide to the Naming of a Jewish Girl by Dovi Seldowitz (2021)This Simḥat Bat ceremony guide includes an order of blessings and ceremony with attention to various traditional customs regarding the use of blessings and prayers. The guide also includes words of Torah and rabbinic teachings which relate to the themes in the guide. . . . Categories: Brit Milah & Simḥat Bat “Tilt: A Prayer for the Winter Solstice” was first published by the author on her website (17 December 2015). . . . White Day of Peace, a poem by Miriam del Banco for the Jewish Women’s Congress (World Parliament of Religion at the World’s Columbian Exposition, 1893)A poem on interfaith tolerance during the Jewish Women’s Congress held at Chicago, September 4-7, 1893, part of the World Parliament of Religion at the World’s Columbian Exposition. . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 United States of America Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., English poetry, interfaith tolerance, Jewish Women's Conference, United States Contributor(s): National Council of Jewish Women, Miriam del Banco and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Opening Prayer for the Jewish Women’s Congress, by Rachel Frank-Litman (World Parliament of Religion at the World’s Columbian Exposition, 1893)The opening prayer of the Jewish Women’s Congress held at the World Parliament of Religion at the World’s Columbian Exposition as published in the Papers of the Jewish Women’s Congress: held at Chicago, September 4-7, 1893 (1894), p. 8. . . . Categories: Opening Prayers for Legislative Bodies Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., English poetry, interfaith prayer, Jewish Women's Conference, Opening Prayers, United States Contributor(s): National Council of Jewish Women, Rachel Frank-Litman and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) A poem, inspired by psalms, about a dangerous ocean storm or else the violent nature calmed during one of the nights and days of creation. . . . 📖 תפלות ישראל (אשכנז) | Tefilot Yisrael, a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook translated and arranged by Tsvi Hirsch Filipowski (1862/1872)An Ashkenazi siddur with an original translation by Tsvi Hirsch Filipowski. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim The poem, “He of Prayer” as published in Henry Abarbanel’s English School and Family Reader (1883), p.14, where it is attributed to the newspaper The Jewish Times, a New York newspaper that circulated from 1869-1877. . . . Categories: Qedushah תפלה לשלום המלכות | Prière pour l’empereur | Prayer for the Well-being of Louis Napoleon Ⅲ, Emperor of France (1869)A prayer for the French Emperor, Napoleon III, a year before he was captured by the Prussians in the doomed Franco-Prussian War of 1870, including the formula of the prayer, haNoten Teshuah, as adapted for Napoleon III. . . . 📖 סדר התפלות או סדור לכל ימי השנה (אשכנז) | Séder haThephiloth, ou Rituel Prières Journalières à l’usage des Israélites du Rite Allemand (2nd ed. Elḥanan Durlacher 1869)An Ashkenazi siddur with a French translation compiled by Elḥanan ben Netanel Durlacher. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim Gebet einer schwangern Frau, an הושענא רבה, nachdem sie den Segen über die Etrog-Frucht gesprochen | Prayer of a pregnant woman on Hoshana Rabbah after saying the blessing over the etrog fruit, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1852)“Gebet einer schwangern Frau, an הושענא רבה, nachdem sie den Segen über die Etrog-Frucht gesprochen.” was translated/adapted by Meïr haLevi Letteris and published in תָּחֲנוּנֵי בַּת יְהוּדָה (Taḥnunei bat Yehudah): Andachtsbuch für Israelitische Frauenzimmer (2nd edition, 1852), pp. 41-42. In 1852, this teḥinah was translated into English (with a short prayer added for children) by Miriam Wertheimer under the title “Prayer for a woman who is about to become a mother, after the benediction of the citron” in Devotional Exercises for the Use of Jewish Women on Public and Domestic Occasions (1852), pp. 52-54. . . . Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., German Jewry, German vernacular prayer, Jewish Women's Prayers, the pitom of the etrog, תחינות teḥinot Contributor(s): Miriam Wertheimer (translation), Meïr haLevi Letteris and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Exercise for the Anniversary of a Parent’s Decease (יאָרצײַט), translated by Rabbi Morris Jacob Raphall (1852)“Exercise for the Anniversary of a Parent’s Decease, (YahrZeit.)” appears on page 138-139 of רֻחָמָה (Ruḥamah): Devotional Exercises for the Use of the Daughters of Israel (1852) edited by Rabbi Morris Jacob Raphall (1798–1868) from selections made from the teḥinot anthologies in German of Meir Letteris (1800-1871), Max Emanuel Stern (1811-1873), and Yehoshua Heshil Miro. . . . Categories: Mourning 📖 Devotional Exercises for the Use of Jewish Women on Public and Domestic Occasions, an anthology of teḥinot by Miriam Wertheimer (1852) translated from the work of Dr. Meïr Letteris (1846)This is the anthology of teḥinot, Devotional Exercises for the Use of Jewish Women on Public and Domestic Occasions (1852), translated by Miriam Wertheimer from Taḥnunei bat Yehudah (1846) by Meïr Letteris. On the title page and the preface, the author of the work translated by Wertheimer was somehow misidentified as Wolfgang Wessely. . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., English Jewry, English Translation, English vernacular prayer, Jewish Women's Prayers, תחינות teḥinot Contributor(s): Miriam Wertheimer (translation), Meïr haLevi Letteris and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Gebet wenn Seuchen oder epidemische Krankheiten herrsche | Prayer When Epidemic Diseases Prevail, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1846)“Gebet einer Frau, wenn Seuchen oder epidemische Krankheiten herrschen” was written by Meïr haLevi Letteris and published in תָּחֲנוּנֵי בַּת יְהוּדָה (Taḥnunei bat Yehudah): Andachtsbuch für Israelitische Frauenzimmer (1846), pp. 110-112. In 1852, this teḥinah was translated into English (with a short prayer added for children) by Miriam Wertheimer under the title “Prayer when epidemic diseases prevail” in Devotional Exercises for the Use of Jewish Women on Public and Domestic Occasions (1852), pp. 70-71. The sad inspiration for this prayer was likely the 1846-1860 Cholera Pandemic. . . . Categories: Epidemics & Pandemics Tags: 1846-1860 Cholera Pandemic, 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., English Jewry, English vernacular prayer, German Jewry, German vernacular prayer, Jewish Women's Prayers, תחינות teḥinot Contributor(s): Miriam Wertheimer (translation), Meïr haLevi Letteris and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Gebet beim Eintritt in das Gotteshaus | Prayer upon entering the house of God, by Dr. Meïr Letteris (1846)“Gebet beim Eintritt in das Gotteshaus” was written by Meir Letteris and published in his anthology of teḥinot, תחנוני בת יהודה (Taḥnunei bat Yehudah) Andachtsbuch für israelitische Frauenzimmer…. In the 1846 and 1857 printings, it appears on p. 1. . . . Categories: Entering Sacred Spaces Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., entering, German Jewry, German vernacular prayer, Jewish Women's Prayers, תחינות teḥinot Contributor(s): Emily Kesselman (art & transcription), Meïr haLevi Letteris and Aharon N. Varady (translation) Gebet für alle Buß- und Fasttage | Prayer on Every Penitential and Fast Day, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1846)“Gebet für alle Buß- und Fasttage” was translated/adapted by Meïr haLevi Letteris and first published in Hebrew and Judeo-German in תָּחֲנוּנֵי בַּת יְהוּדָה (Taḥnunei bat Yehudah): Andachtsbuch für Israelitische Frauenzimmer (1846 Judeo-German edition), pp. 93-94. In the 1857 edition, it can be found on pp.107-108. In 1852, the prayer was translated into English (with a short prayer added for children) by Miriam Wertheimer under the title “Prayer said on every penitential and fast day” in Devotional Exercises for the Use of Jewish Women on Public and Domestic Occasions (1852), pp. 71-72. . . . Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., German Jewry, German vernacular prayer, Jewish Women's Prayers, paraliturgical el melekh yoshev, תחינות teḥinot Contributor(s): Miriam Wertheimer (translation), Meïr haLevi Letteris and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Gebet beim Abscheiden des Teiges (חלה) | Domestic Prayer on Dividing the Dough, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1846)“Gebet beim Abscheiden des Teiges” was written by Meïr haLevi Letteris and published in תָּחֲנוּנֵי בַּת יְהוּדָה (Taḥnunei bat Yehudah): Andachtsbuch für Israelitische Frauenzimmer (1846), p. 86. In 1852, this teḥinah was translated into English (with a short prayer added for children) by Miriam Wertheimer under the title “Domestic prayer on dividing the dough” in Devotional Exercises for the Use of Jewish Women on Public and Domestic Occasions (1852), pp. 51-52. . . . Categories: Erev Shabbat Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., baking ḥallah, English Jewry, English vernacular prayer, German Jewry, German vernacular prayer, חלה challah ḥallah, Jewish Women's Prayers, taking dough, תחינות teḥinot Contributor(s): Miriam Wertheimer (translation), Meïr haLevi Letteris and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Gebet an einem Fasttage | Prayer on a Public Fast Day (תַּעֲנִית צִבּוּר), a teḥinah by Dr. Meïr Letteris (1846)“Gebet an einem Fasttage. תַּעֲנִית צִבּוּר” was written by Meir Letteris and published in his anthology of teḥinot, תחנוני בת יהודה (Taḥnunei bat Yehudah) Andachtsbuch für israelitische Frauenzimmer…. In the 1846 printing, it appears on pp. 25-26. The translation here by Miriam Wertheimer, “Prayer for a Fast-Day” is as published in Devotional Exercises for the Use of Jewish Women on Public and Domestic Occasions (1852), pp. 19-21. . . . Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., German Jewry, German vernacular prayer, Jewish Women's Prayers, תחינות teḥinot Contributor(s): Miriam Wertheimer (translation), Meïr haLevi Letteris and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Gebet beim Eingange des Sabbath, vor dem Anzünden der Lichter Freitag Nachts | Prayer Before Lighting the Sabbath Lamp, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1846)“Gebet beim Eingange des Sabbath, vor dem Anzünden der Lichter Freitag Nachts” was written by Meïr haLevi Letteris and published in תָּחֲנוּנֵי בַּת יְהוּדָה (Taḥnunei bat Yehudah): Andachtsbuch für Israelitische Frauenzimmer (1846), pp. 87-88. In 1852, this teḥinah was translated into English (with a short prayer added for children) by Miriam Wertheimer under the title “Prayer before lighting the Sabbath lamp” in Devotional Exercises for the Use of Jewish Women on Public and Domestic Occasions (1852), pp. 52-54. . . . Categories: Erev Shabbat Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., English Jewry, English vernacular prayer, German Jewry, German vernacular prayer, Jewish Women's Prayers, kindling, lamp lighting, תחינות teḥinot Contributor(s): Miriam Wertheimer (translation), Meïr haLevi Letteris and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) 📖 תָּחֲנוּנֵי בַּת יְהוּדָה (Taḥnunei bat Yehudah): Andachtsbuch für Israelitische Frauenzimmer, an anthology of teḥinot in German by Meïr haLevi Letteris (1846)This is the anthology of teḥinot in in German compiled by Meir haLevi Letteris, תחנוני בת יהודה (Taḥnunei bat Yehudah) Andachtsbuch für israelitische Frauenzimmer zur öffentlichen und häuslichen Erbauung in allen Berhältnissen des Lebens als Jungfrau, Brant, Gattin und Mutter, originally published in 1846. . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., German Jewry, German vernacular prayer, Jewish Women's Prayers, תחינות teḥinot Contributor(s): Emily Kesselman (art & transcription), Meïr haLevi Letteris and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Gebet an einem Fasttage der Gesammtheit | Prayer on a Public Fast Day (תַּעֲנִית צִבּוּר), by Max Emanuel Stern (1841)“Gebet an einem Fasttage der Gesammtheit. תַּעֲנִית צִבּוּר” was written by Max Emanuel Stern and published in his anthology of teḥinot, Die fromme Zionstochter: Andachtsbuch für Israels Frauen und Mädchen…. In the 1841 printing, it appears on pp. 37-39. In the 1846 edition, it appears on pp. 39-40. . . . 📖 Die Fromme Zionstochter: Andachtsbuch für Israels Frauen und Mädchen, an anthology of teḥinot in German by Max Emanuel Stern (1841, 1846)An anthology of teḥinot in German compiled by Max Emanuel Stern, Die fromme Zionstochter: Andachtsbuch für Israels Frauen und Mädchen zur öffentlichen und häuslichen Gottesverehrung an allen Wochen -Fest – und Busse-Tagen und für alle Verhältnisse (1841). A second edition with slight changes to the typeface and layout was published in 1846. . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers Für Scheni chamischi scheni | For (customary fasts on) the Monday, Thursday, and the following Monday (after Pesaḥ & Sukkot), by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)“Für Scheni chamischi scheni” was written by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. In the 1835 edition, it appears as teḥinah №55, on pp. 98-100. . . . Categories: Additional Fast Days Gebet an der Jahrzeit des Vaters, während man fastet | Prayer on one’s Father’s Yahrẓeit (יאָרצײַט) while fasting, by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)“Gebet an der Jahrzeit des Vaters, während man fastet” was written by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. In the 1835 edition, it appears as teḥinah №129, on pp. 244-245. In the 1842 edition, it appears as teḥinah №130, pp. 251-252. . . . Categories: Mourning Beim Lichtzünden | When kindling the lights (for Shabbat and Yontef), by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)“Wenn die Hausfrau an den Vorabenden des Sabaths und der Feiertage die Lichte anzündet” was written by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. In the original 1829 edition, תחנות Teḥinot ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion, it appears as teḥinah №13, on pp. 17-18. In the 1835 and 1842 editions, it appears as teḥinah №13 on pp. 20-21. . . . Categories: Erev Shabbat Beim Einsegnen des Neumondes (ver. 1) | At the Blessing of the New Moon (ver. 1), by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)“Vor dem Einsegnen des Neumondis” was written by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. In the original 1829 edition, תחנות Teḥinot ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion, it appears as teḥinah №16, on pp. 20-21. In the 1835 and 1842 editions, it appears as teḥinah №16 on pp. 23-24. . . . Categories: Rosh Ḥodesh Am Fasttage des neunten Monats | [Prayer] on the Fast day of Asarah b’Tevet (עשׂרה בטבת), by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)“Am Fasttage des neunten Monats. עשׂרה בטבת” was written by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. In the original 1829 edition, תחנות Teḥinot ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion, it appears as teḥinah №55, on pp. 81-82. In the 1835 and 1842 editions, it appears as teḥinah №57, on pp. 103-104. . . . Categories: Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth Beim Einsegnen des Neumondes (ver. 2) | At the Blessing of the New Moon (ver. 2), by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)“Vor dem Einsegnen des Neumondis (Desselben Inhalts)” was written by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. In the 1835 and 1842 editions, it appears as teḥinah №17 on pp. 24-25. . . . Categories: Rosh Ḥodesh “Wenn man Chala nimmt” was written by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. In the original 1829 edition, תחנות Teḥinot ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion, it appears as teḥinah №14, on pp. 18-19. In the 1835 and 1842 editions, it appears as teḥinah №14, on pp. 21-22. . . . Categories: Erev Shabbat Wenn eine Frau den stiel vom Esrog ausbeißt | When a woman bites the pitom from the etrog, by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)“Wenn eine Frau den stiel vom Esrog ausbeißt” was written by Yehoshua Heshil Miro and published in his anthology of teḥinot, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion. In the original 1829 edition, תחנות Teḥinot ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion, it appears as teḥinah №51, on pp. 73-74. In the 1835 edition, it appears as teḥinah №52, on pp. 91-92. In the 1842 edition, it appears as teḥinah №55, on pp. 96-97. . . . 📖 בֵּית יַעֲקֹב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion, an anthology of teḥinot in German by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829/1833, 1835/1842)These are Yehoshua Heshil Miro’s anthologies of teḥinot, beginning with תחנות Teḥinot ein Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauenzimmer mosaischer Religion (1829), one of the earliest anthologies of teḥinot published in German rather than Yiddish. A slightly revised edition with six pieces added and three removed followed in 1833. That work served as the basis for a much larger compilation, בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) Allgemeines Gebetbuch für gebildete Frauen mosaischer Religion (1835), which, for the first time, printed the tehinot in German in a Latin (rather than Hebrew) script using the then common Fraktur typeface. A slightly enlarged expanded edition of Beit Yaaqov published in 1842 contains an additional teḥinah (as well as approbations by Rabbi Abraham Geiger and Rabbi Solomon Tiktin). . . . Categories: Memorial, Funeral, and Cemetery Prayer Guides, Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers The philosophical-creed-as-piyyut, Yigdal, in Hebrew with an English translation. . . . This translation of Tsam’ah Nafshi was made by Avi Shmidman and Tzvi Novick, and first published by the Az Yashir Moshe Project birkon (2009), p. 56-57. . . . Categories: Se'udat Yom Shabbat The cosmological piyyut, Adon Olam, in its Ashkenazi variation in Hebrew with an English translation. . . . Tags: 11th century C.E., 49th century A.M., אדון עולם Adon Olam, cosmological, חתימות ḥatimot (concluding prayers), Openers, פיוטים piyyutim, rhyming translation Contributor(s): Tsvi Hirsch Filipowski (translation), Shlomo ibn Gabirol and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) ברכת המזון ליום הכפורים | Poetic Birkat haMazon for the break-fast meal after Yom Kippur, as found in British Library MS Or. 9772 DA poetic Birkat haMazon text for the breakfast after Yom Kippur found in British Library MS Or. 9772 D. All the opening words of the alphabetical acrostic are from Psalms 111. . . . ברכת המזון לחנוכה | Poetic Birkat haMazon for Ḥanukkah, reconstructed from multiple Cairo Geniza manuscripts by Isaac Gantwerk MayerThis is a reconstruction of a liturgy for a Birkat haMazon for Ḥanukkah witnessed in multiple Cairo Geniza manuscripts, including Cambridge, CUL: T-S H4.13; T-S H6.37; T-S 8H10.14; T-S NS 328.56; T-S NS 328.61; T-S AS 101.293; New York, JTS: ENA 2885.7; Oxford: MS heb. e.71/27 – MS heb. e.71/32; St. Peterburg: Yevr. III B 135. . . . ברכת המזון לפורים | Poetic Birkat haMazon for Purim, according to the Cairo Geniza fragment T-S H6.37 vocalized and translated by Isaac Gantwerk MayerThis is a reconstruction of a liturgy for a Birkat haMazon for Purim witnessed in the Cairo Geniza fragment T-S H6.37 (page 1, recto and verso). . . . | ||
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